First Sight

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Hello there I'm Wren I'm 16 years old and I study at a school which contains bitches, bullies, sluts, and know it all students and some other normal students which are my friends of course. lol.

So today's probably another Good- Bad day because that's how it's always been every single week days. I arrive at school a little early, the first thing I did was sit down and chat with my friend, Bella.

Bella is a humorous yet understanding, jolly, and so hyper when she has nothing to do type of person. Right now she's laughing hyterically like a hyena.Bella has a reddish colored hair and has dark brown eyes

My other friend or atleast that's what I think of me, just arrived and just in for our next class. Her name is Mariel she has short, jet-black hair and has dark brown eyes.

The Bell Rang.

Our teacher in English arrived with a big box that contains only one book. No one really cares though because no ones listens to him because you can' t understand the way he speaks. One thing I like about this subject is that he's not so strict that's why you can use your phone while he's talking. lol.

Bella talked to me.

"Sup, you bored yet"

"Pretty much yeah, everyday. I don't undersand a single thing he is saying"

"Oh yeah, this is Shit"

The bell rang. Right now were waiting for our next teacher which means were very very very noisy. Oh Shit I forgot we have an Oral Quiz coming up later. It's about Holistic Health.

"Hey Bec, we have an oral quiz later right?" I stated, I call her Bec because she doesn't like to be called Bel.

"Oh shit, nah you're messing with me again. You like to see me review cramming" She said.

"No I'm serious this time, well it's up to you if you wanna believe me" I argued.

"Hahaha, I don't really care. It's nonsense anyways."

Our teacher came in. The quiz was finished. And so the rest of my class were over. All was really boring, that is why I'm cutting the story short. It was really tiring first English, then P.E
, then one of my favorite Recces, next to that is Science, Health, then Lunch, next is Math, Research, Physics, then History and Geography.

I went to our band meeting place to jam and practice songs with my bandmates. When I arrived there, some of my bandmates were there. Someone was playing the guitar, I was really amazed because he was really good at playing it. His name is Christian he is tall and he has black hair and has dark blue eyes.

Oh my friends also were there Megan who is tall and has long black hair and dark brown eyes, and Alexa who has hazel colored eyes and long brown hair. My other bandmates are Aia, Jame, Kim, Jana, Levi and the new member Christian.

"SUP DUDE!!!" Alexa shouted

"Hey Sup, You're not late today!! wow" I joked.

"Hahah, you're impressed by that. BTW, we still going to seven eleven later?"

"No not really my friend, note the sarcasm. Of course we are. Is you're sister here?"

"yeah yeah, whateves. Why you gonna sabotage her?" she said playfully

"Pffft. I don't hate your sister anymore we're cool now"

After that we started practice seriously for the first time. We also ended it with a bang. We ended up not going to 7-11 because there was a change of plans. We planned for a movie marathon.

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