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*Phone rings

They looked at me.

Chris: Hey again!!

Me: Hello !!

Chris: What time is it there?

Me: 12 midnight. It's not really exact

Chris: Where are you know?

Me: Secret ;P

Chris: -.- ...

Me: Thought you have work?!?!

Chris: I'm on break -.-

Me: So what time is it there??

Chris: Secret!! :P

Me: Yeah whateva.. Bye I need to go

Chris: Where?

Me: UK

Chris: Why do you need to go?? You're just gonna ride a plane!!

Me: Just kidding ;P I know you'll miss me!!

Chris: Well yeah in a friendly way

Me: you are such an awesome friend. I'm so lucky.

Chris: Bye I need to deal with this issue whatever. Don't forget my present ;P Bye

Me: Okay muuahh!! Bye

I put down my phone.

"Wow you must be so happy staring at your phone screen smiling by yourself" Bella said sarcastically

"Well yes indeed" I replied

"So how many hours until we get to UK?"

"I don't know ask the pilot or someone else. Ask me something I know"

"Then what are we gonna do there when we arrive?" Bella asked

"What's my favorite band?" I asked

"What the?? You're so messed up!! I'm asking you a question and then you say 'What's my favorite band?'" She said

I was looking at her with a 'what the fuck face'. Mariel woke up after that thing Bella did.

"So again back to my question. What are we going to do there?" She asked yet again

"Fam" I replied

"What do you mean?" Mariel looked confused, so did Bella

"You'll know when we get there" I replied

*Someone's phone rings

Mariel ran to the otherside of the plane to take the call.

"Ohmaged hello Nick" Mariel jumped hysterically

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