Let's go to the Mall

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I woke up with 3 missed calls from Mariel and Bella. There was also 1 message from a group text.

Bella: You guys wanna go to the mall??
Mariel: Yeah sure only if Wren comes :p

Me: yeah of course why not ;) What's the occasion?

Bella: Have you forgot already there's an acquaintance party.

Me: Oh yeah. hahah lol. I forgot. It's just a dance

Mariel: Do you need to have like an escort or something?

Bella: Yeah.

Mariel: Does he need to be a student at our school.

Bella: No.

Me: So when do we meet up?

Bella: about 10am

Mariel: Where do we meet up?

Me: I'll pick you two up at your houses ;)

Bella: Kay thanks

Mariel: Bye for now I have to cook breakfast then take a bath.

Me: Bye.

Bella: Do you already have an escort?

Me: Hahaha. What do you think?

Bella: Aaiisshhh. Just tell me T.T

Me: Me has not yet having escort

Bella: Awww sure you'll get one ;) lol

Me: Yeah.. lol.. Kay bye now it's all ready 8 am I need to fix up and prepare.

Bella: Yeah kay bye too. I need to go

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and prepare to go to the mall later. I picked out a cereal box from the cabinet and milk from the fridge. Alexa came just right after me.

"Morning Wren" She greeted as she was still yawning

"Hello girl" I said wih a smile "Wanna have breakfast"

"Yup. Of course"

We finished breakfast silently and so awkwardly. We watched a little. I looked at the clock and it was already close to 9am so I went upstairs.

"Where you going" Alexa asked

"I'm gonna take a bath" I said

"Why? You have plans today" She asked

"I'm going to the mall with Bella and Mariel" I said


"You do you have like anything to do today?" I asked

"No not really" She said

"Alright invite some of your friends here. You can stay here but be careful. You can do anything but make sure you clean up and make sure you don't break anything and don't let them go upstairs" I stated

"Okay thanks Wren. You are so awesome"

"I know. I get that a lot. Okay I gotta take a bath now"

After minutes I head down again I saw Alexa still watching. I got my car keys. Said goodbye to Alexa then went away.


I was honking infront of Bella's house for about 5 minutes already and no one was coming out. I called her but she didn't receive it. Almost 10 minutes past then she finally came out, finally. We went to Mariel's house  to pick her up to. First honk, she immediately came.

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