Chapter 5: Hope for the Best

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  Once Jessica spoke with her boss it was approved that Emma and Trent could stay with me, at least until they could find them a suitable foster home. We are now at my house that I share with my parents and 4 younger siblings. 

  "Now, I know it's not perfect but you two will have to sleep in my bed, at least until I can get a place of my own. I really hope I'm able to get licensed in time so that I can keep you." I explained wishfully as I tucked the sweet, freshly bathed, children into my full sized bed. Once I saw that they were both sound asleep I grabbed a blanket and pillow and fell asleep in the floor. 


  "Good morning, guys. You're up early," I said kindly as they walked into the kitchen, "Would you like some breakfast? I'm making omelettes!"

  "What's an om-let?" Emma asked hesitantly.

  I gasped playfully as I fixed them each a plate with a plain cheese omelette along with cups of orange juice. "It's only the best breakfast food ever!"

  After making myself one I sat with them at the table and smiled. "Are you two gonna eat? I promise, it's good and nobody will take it away." 

  They both slowly took their first bites. "Mmmmm!" they said in unison. I smiled proudly and continued to hope for the best... that these two sweet children would soon be a part of my family.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to update. I've been busy with work and I'm about to start my sophomore year in college so I probably won't be able to update much. I'll try to post as much as I can though. 

Please don't be strangers! Thanks for all the reads and the votes I've gotten so far but I would love some comments! 

I love you guys!!!

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