Chapter 1 - We get sent away

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The sun was going down on the cool Saturday evening. As I sit next to Annabeth I think about how lucky we are to be here , rather than down in the underworld . " Its incredible isnt it? After all that we've been through , we're still here to feel the breeze on our face." Says Annabeth , as if she were reading my thoughts . 

I slip my hand into hers , and before I know it , we begin to kiss. It could have gone on forever , if there wasn't a voice calling both of our names. "PERCY! ANNABETH!" . Me and Annabeth both turn round to see a tall , muscular boy coming up the hill. "Hey frank , hows it going?" I say.                                      "There's a meeting up at the big house , but only the heroes of olympus were invited , Chiron said it was important." Replied frank. Me and Annabeth both immediatley stood up and followed frank down the hill , towards the big house.

Surrounding the Ping pong table in the rec rem was Chiron , Jason , piper , Leo , hazel , frank , thalia , nico , me and Annabeth.  "Well im sorry for interrupting your activities , but I have some important news to share , though if you wish not to go ahead with what im about to tell you , I will not stop you." There were a few nervous glances around the room at that.

" Over a millennium ago , Hecate bl" -                                                                                                                         Chiron started to talk , but was interuppted as the rec room doors burst open and standing there was a middle aged satyr in a blue cap and holding a baseball bat " Miss me , cupcakes?" Said Coach Hedge , grinning like a crazy goat.' The whole room erupt with laughter , as the satyr strode in and took a seat on a wooden chair covered in grass. " so what are we talking about?" Asked the coach.

" I shall start from the beginning ." Says Chiron , smiling from the coaches dramatic entry.                           "Over a millennium ago , Hecate blessed four mortals with the power of magic , the mortals names were Gryfindor , Slytherin , hufflepuff and ravenclaw. Each of the mortals recieved specail abilities and and were able to use magic not seen my and god or demigod before. The abilities of Gryfindor were Courage and bravery . Slytherin : Cunning and cleverness. Ravenclaw : Smartness and wisdom and hufflepuff : well no one really knows her abilities. These four mortals decided to build a school over in england , and they named it hogwarts." 

"And why do we need to know all this?" Asks Leo , with a confused look upon his face.                                   "Because , if you agree to go , you will be sent to the school as protectors of a 5th year student named harry potter , and his two friends , hermione granger and Ron weasley. The 3 need protecting as harry is the chosen one , as they call him , to defeat a dark evil wizard and all of his followers." Answered Chiron. " And Who is this spooky wizard?" Questioned Leo.                                                                                            "His name is Voldemort."        " PWAAHAHAHAHHAH." Leo burst out laughing " Moldy Shorts."   Everyone  started to laugh , and soon everyone , except Chiron , was on the floor rolling around hysterically.

As soon as the laughter died down and everyone was sitting back down , nico began to talk. "Ive heard of this dude , my father gets angry about because voldemort and his death eaters go around killing innocent people." 

"Well , so if you would like to go , raise your hand."                                                                                                           At first only a few hands went up , but after about 10 seconds everyones hand was up , including the Coach. " Good , so I suggest you all go pack for your trip , you will be taking 2 of the Delphi ice cream vans, make sure to take some extra weapons and armour , just in case." 

After about an hour , everyone was packed up and standing at Thalia's Pinetree, waiting for the vans to show up. Another ten minutes passed , and they heard two engines , and sure enough , two White vans with the pink writing of DELPHI'S ICE CREAM TRUCK on the side , pulled up right in front of us . Driving the first one was argus , a buff giant with eyes all over his body , driving the second one was will solace , the head counsellor of the Apollo cabin . " Cheerio , CHB , were going to go have some tea with the queen in England ( No offence to english readers ) TA TA!" Shouts Coach hedge in a posh accent. We all laugh and clamber into the back of the van.

Hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter of the HoO/PJO and HP crossover!

Please comment on what improvements could be done and any idea for future thingy ma things

In yours demigodishness 


Hmm, cupcakes!

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