Chapter 2 - Grimmauld place

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The trip to England didn't take nearly as long as it should have , because we arrived there in 2 days . The vans pulled over on a street in the east of London. Big black houses were surrounding the street , looming over it.  We all clambered out the back of both of the vans. My legs ache , so I walk around and stretch them for a while. Argus pointed to a door of a dark house in the middle of the street, so we all walked over to it. Over the door , read the words 'Grimmauld Place 12' .

Everyone looked glanced around nervously. "I have to do everything , dont i?" Percy said , as he steps forward and knocked on the wooden door. I heard feet stomping to the door inside , and sure enough , the door opened. Stood at the was a middle aged man , with a glass eye and a walking stick. " Are you the 'exchanged students' from the other school?" Asked the man. I couldn't help but look at his eyes , one was looking at us , while the other one was whizzing around in its socket , looking everywhere. "Yeah, were the exchanged students from St.Chiron's Magic Academy." Said thalia , also looking up at the mans eyes. " Very well, come in." And he turned around and walked inside , so we followed.

Everything inside look ...well, old. There were patterned vases around the house and lots of paintings. We followed the man inside a wide room. A red - headed plump lady sitting on a chair at the large table stood up and walked over to us. " Ah , you must be the exchanged students." She said , in a motherly type of way. " im Molly , and this is the order." Pointing towards the table with the 20 people sitting around it . " there from St. Chiron's Magic Academy." The man told Molly. " Never heard of it." Said a man sitting at the table , he had long black hair and a beard , while wearing a long purple coat.  "Anyway , dinner is ready in a few minutes , so why don't you take a seat , and I'll call harry , Ron and hermione." Said Molly , gesturing to the seats at the table.

After we all sat down , and dinner was served , Leo bought up a good point . " Hey, guys." He whispered to us , so the wizards couldn't hear. "How are we going to sacrifice to the gods?"  I tried to think of how we could do it without the wizards seeing. " Leo get under the table and light a fire." I told him. He crouched under the table , and a flame flickered in his palm. " quickly , this'll look wierd." Leo whispered. We quickly do our sacrifices , and rise back up to the table , Leo managing to hit his head on the way up. All of the wizards were looking at us like we were lunatics, which I suppose we are. Then Molly smiled " Tuck in!" I was starving , so I ate like a pig, eating every last bit of it. "Well , Harry , Ron and Hermione , you better go up to your rooms , im sure you have some catching up to do, the order will teaching the exchange students about hogwarts." Molly told the three wizards.

"So , shall we just say who we are?" Jason asked. "Sure." Replied the black haired man from earlier. 

" Ill go first , then ." Said percy.

" Hi , im percy jackson , son of Poseidon , wielder of anaklusmos , Destoyer of Alcyoneus , Leader of the manhattan battle , one of the seven , and a hero of olympus ."

"Hey , my names jason grace , son of Jupiter , child of Rome , Leader of the Twelfth Legion in the titan war , destroyer of the titan krios and the giant Enceladus, wielder of ivlivs , one of the seven , hero of olympus."

"Thalia Grace , Daughter of Zeus , Lieutenant of the hunters of Artemis , Wielder of the replica of the aegis , hero of olympus."

"Im Annabeth Chase , daughter of Athena , One of the seven, Hero of olympus , Finder of the Athena Parthenos , Architect for Mt. Olympus , Navigator of the Labyrinth."

"Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite , Charmspeaker , one of the seven , hero of olympus , wielder of Katoptris. "

" Leo Valdez , Son of Hephaestus , Fire Wielder , One of the seven , hero of olympus , Commander of the Argo II , Destroyer of Gaia , and Bad Boy Supreme."

"Hazel Levesque , Daughter of Pluto , Hero of olympus , one of the seven , destroyer of Alcyoneus, Bought back from the dead."

"hi , my name is Frank Zhang , Roman Praetor , Son of Mars , shapeshifter , Hero of olympus , one of the seven , destroyer of Alcyoneus."

" Nice Di Angelo , son of hades , Shadow Traveller , The Ghost king , Hero of olympus ."

" Coach Hedge , The deadliest satyr there has ever been , and I also like cupcakes."

The whole of the order Look shocked , some with there mouths open , staring at us. " what are you? Your obviously not wizards." Growled the The wierd eyed man. " We're Demigods!" Answered percy , as if it were obvious. " Demigods , like the sons and daughters of gods? That type of demigod?" Asked the black haired man , sirius . " Yeah , Duh , can't you tell that im a demigod with my freakishly good looks and my strong body." Said Leo , as he flexed his arms. The demigods started to laugh , but the order still sat there , looking shocked. 

"Well , I think we should get going."  said thalia ."we will meet you here in the morning , as we will be getting on the hogwarts express too, see you all in the morning!" Thalia strode out the room and we followed her . "Whats the inn called?" I asked. " the leaky cauldron , I think." Replied Hazel . 

Hey Guys , hope you liked my second chapter! 3rd chapter will be up soon!

In yours demigodishness 


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