We are the same.

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Once they were gone. I took out my phone from my pocket and got off the bed. I started to pace the room. "Babe what's wrong?" Liam asked." What if I hurt you? Better yet killed you?" I say running a hand through my hair looking at him." Baby u didn't and that's all that matters." He says walking over to me ."I know but what if it did happen." "Look it's never gonna happen. And you know that." "But how do you know that." I say looking into his eyes." It's never gonna happen because I won't let it. The gang won't let it. Especially scott." He says and then I kiss him. This kiss was full of passion. Full of love . Full of lust. (At this time play What a girl wants by Pia Mia.). He had his hands on my waist and my hands were entangled into his hair. We continued to kiss until he pulled away and siad." I'll love you forever. Never forget." "You are my everything so how can I forget." I say and kiss him again." Jump." He says and I do it. He carries me over to the bed and lays me down gently. He looks into my eye before kissing my lips then my jawline and towards my neck. He remembered my sweet spot from earlier. He started sucking on the skin and I moaned." Liam." He chuckled. I then tugged at his shirt signaling that I want it off. He pulled away long enough for me to take off his shirt. He kissed me once more before I flipped us over. I then sit on his waist and I placed my hands on his chest." Liam. Can I ask you a question?" I ask looking at him." Yea anything." He says." Why do you like me?" I say looking down." I don't like you." He says and my heart broke." Wh-what?" I say and a tear slips." I LOVE you." He says and I kiss him. I then made my way to his neck and found out where his spot is. Right smack in the center of his neck. He moaned and I smirked biting that exact spot. He then tugs at my shirt and I slip it off. He then stares at my chest. "Like what you see?" I ask biting my lip." He then nods wide eyed. I kiss him once more and then he flips us over so that he can be the dominant one.


I lie down in Liam's arms panting." Best...sex...ever." He says and I kiss him." Ur not to bad ur self." I say smirking." Hey babe?" I ask." Yea." "You still haven't answr my question." I say looking up at him." I like you because ur always there for me. And that's something to love in a girl not like." He says and I say." I love you." "I love you to the moon and Back." He says and then kisses my head before falling asleep.

Next morning.....................

I wake up and find liam on his phone already dresses for school. He looked over at me and says." Mornin baby." "Mornin." I respond while stretching and walking over to the bathroom. I actually don't feel well today. Ok we used a condom. So I'm not pregnant . I take a hot shower but that doesn't get rid of the massive headache that I had. I see a bag on the sink so I open it and see my make up and an outfit. Lydia had packed me a black tight short sleeved crop top and black high waisted shorts. I put them on and did my make up. I then put on my combat boots and walked out to see liam sitting on the bed. "Hey babe. Do you want to get something to eat before,school?" I ask him as I plug in my phone to charge." Um yea sounds good." He says and I hold my temples." You ok babe?" He asks." Yea um it's just a headache." I say and walk over to him and sit next to him on the bed. "So are you going to the bonfire tonight?" He asks me." Yea cuz scott and the gang wants to know who the so called 'benefactor' is. And he thinks that one of the assassins go to the school." "Benefactor?" Liam asks ." Yea it's this sycopath that wants all supernatural creatures dead. Whenever one of us are killed money goes to the benefactor." I explain to him." How much?" He asks." How much what?" I ask ." How much am I worth?" He asks and I say." We don't know. They are 3 parts to the list and Lydia already found 2 of them and so far ur not on it." I say and he nods." Who's worth the most?" He asks ." Me." I say and he looks at me." So that's why you were shot yesterday." He says and I nod. "How much are you worth?" "73 million." I say and his eyes widen. My head starts to ache even more. I groan. "Are you sure you're ok bby?" He says ." I, sure." I say and then I kiss him." Ok well we should get going if we want breakfast before school." I say and then I hear Liam's stomache growl. We laugh."  Ok Lego. Um do u know where my keys are?" I ask looking around the room." Yep." He says popping the p." Where are they then?" I ask ." In meh pants." He says smirking." Liam just give them to me." I say holding my hand out for them." Gotta get them ur self." He says and I groan." Fine ." I say having an idea. I walk over to him and kiss him everywhere except his lips teasing him." Gotcha." I say holding the keys in my hand with out even having to go in his pants." Curse you and ur tricky coyote ways ." He says narrowing his eyes." U love me tho." I say getting off him and walking out of the loft. He follows me close behind. We then get in the car and drive off to a diner. We ate and then went to school. We got out and then said started walking and talking while holding hands. We stopped when I saw liam look over to the boys from Devenford Prep. Liam's old school. He let go of my hand and walked towards. I followed him. "Brett. Hey Brett." He said with a scowl on his face. Oh god." I wanted to say have a good game." Liam said with his hand out. Brett scoffed." Good game? We're gonna destroy you." He said and that's when liam almost lost it. "You destroyed coachs car." "I paid for it.." "And ur gonna pay for it." Brett siad and I saw blood coming from Liam's hands. I saw scott and stiles looking so I gave them a help me look. They were to far so I tried to calm liam down." Don't,listen to them they're trying to get into ur head babe." I whispered to them and I put my hand on his shoulder. Liam started bleeding more and scott smelled it and ran over with stiles." Woah buddy." Stiles said and Scott pulled liam into the school. The locker rooms. Once they were gone I turned to face Brett." Tracy nice to see you again." He said with a smirk." Very funny Haha." I said with an eye roll." Ah a feisty coyote." He said and I pull him away from his friends." How do you know I'm a coyote?!" I practically growled in his face. "By you're scent." He said." You're a were wolf aren't you?" I ask and he said . "Took ya long enough." With a eye roll. I grabbed his shirt glowed my eyes and siad." You leave liam alone or I would rip you to shreds. Got it?" I say and he looks scared. He nods." Good." I whisper in his ear as I let go and walk away. When I was halfway I turned back to him and flashed my eyes grey with a wink and a smirk. Then I continued walking until I reached the  locker rooms. I walked in and saw liam wolfed out under a shower with Scott and stiles pining him aginst the wall." Liam." I say as I walk up to him." Tracy stay back." Stiles says but I don't listen I walk closer to liam and put my hand on his shoulder. He seemed to calm down." Tracy ur his anchor." Scott said and I smiled as liam slid down the wall." I knew it." I said as I looked at him. "Liam why did u almost lash out at him?" Stiles said ." I I don't know." He said ." Wait do u get sudden outbursts of rage?" Stiles said ." Yea my mom took me to a doctor for,it. They said it was a disorder." Liam said looking at all of us." What was it called?" I asked while pacing the room." Intemitive Explosive Disorder." He said and I stopped to look at him." I.E.D." I whisper ." Great U gave powers to a walking time bomb." Stiles said and I growled at him." Don't call him that. Cuz if he's a walking time bomb. I'm  a walking time bomb." I say bending down in front of liam." Why are you the time bomb? Liam asks me ." It's because I'm a I.E.D too." I say and smile. " I can handle this ." He says and I say ." You can because if I can handle it u sure can because we are the same." And  then kiss him.

The secret .( A liam Dunbar / teen wolf fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now