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I woke up fresh and early on Sunday morning. I squinted my
eyes at the rays of sumshine reflected on my curtain.
I get myself ready for church. I wake up extra-early every Sunday. I pamper myself to a hot bath and a facial.
Today is no exception. I try to tune my mind to God, but I keep thinking about Devin. Ever since that "Hell No" scandal he's being sending me rude texts saying, "You dont know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes and I just had pity on you and asked you to ne my girl"!

I have not been in a relationship for a long time ( and I mean very long time). All my previous boyfriends told me that I was too bossy. Hey, just because I dont let you always get your way with me dosent mean I'm bossy!

Okay, I'll admit it. "I like to be in control most of the time but it dosent mean I dont have a heart.


Anyway, I better go wake up mom and dad before we get late.
I catch a glimpse of the jeans I'm wearing and decide against it.
I go back to my closet and pull out a flowing (light pink) skirt.
I change my top as well and wear another that matches better with the skirt. I accessorize with a beaded necklace and my lucky charm.
I dont know why I still comsider it to be lucky, but hey, thats me! I remember when I first got it!

Happy birthday to you darling, my mom said as she planted a great kiss on my forehead. I cant believe you're already 7!
Thanks mom, I say. You're the best! Wheres dad?
He had some important matters to attend to!
Yeah right! Couldnt he at least call, I say. It feels as if I dont have a father even though I do.
Oh dear, dont say that! "You know that your father and I love you so much.
I do too!
Well, why dont you go get ready and I'll prepare you something special for breakfast!

-Mom, today at school I got a wrist watch from my teacher!
Can I see it?
Of cou-

*ding, dong*

Who is it? I'm coming, I said as I jumb off my stool in the kitchen and open the door just in time to recieve the shock of the century!
Dad! You're home early I said as I flung into his arms.
I'm not speaking to you , I quickly say and go inside dragging my feet.
Why not??
Because you didnt bother to wish me happy birthday!
Oh, sorry! Happy Birthday hun. May you live to see your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren, he says as he envelopes me in a bear hug.
Anyway, where's my guft?
I forgot
See what I'm talking about!
What about this, my dad says and gives me a case.
I squel with joy and open it to fnd a silver bracelet resting in it.
Oh dad thanjyou!
And ever since it's been my lucky charm

I get back to reality when my mom knocks on my door and laughs her head off when she finds me staring at my reflection in the mirror.
"Wanna be the next Statue of Liberty when it retires?", my mom asks with a chuckle.
"Hmm, if I ever get to audition for it", I say. How do I look?
Gorgoues like always. I'll go get ready then we'll leave okay??
I nod my head vigorously. Any chance to be able to be with my friends and learning God's word together is fine by me.

Can I go to the restroom, Pastor Mike?"
I spring up and head to the girls restroom as soon as he gives me the signal to leave.

Whats the meaning of this? I say. You very well know that I'm in church!
C'mon, God wont mind it if you take just 5mins out off the 1 hour service would he? Devin says with a flirty tone?
I think you didnt hear me the last time so now I'm gonna spell it out for you! I say with my temper rising by the minute. H-E-L-L N-O. Take a hint will ya? I dont associate myself with dirty and sinful people like you who only care about themselves.
I hang up not giving him the opportunity to respond. Now I know that the saying, "All that glitters is not gold". How could such a cute boy turn out to be so sour inside!
Anyway, I dont have enough time to think about it as I turn off my phone and join my friends over at youth group!

"Why dont you give this boy a chance"?
And why should I, Jessica?
"Let's toss a coin, if I win you'll have to date him!
I removed a coin from my pocket and unfortunately for me Jessica won and I had to date Devin whether I liked it or not!

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