01 | A Bright Idea

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Oliver sat at his mahogany desk and looked up at the dingy ceiling. Even though it had been only few days since his mother, Vordalis the witch, had left him to go on a rather important exploration, he was already beginning to feel extremely bored with his dull and dismal life in the Enchanted Forest. Suddenly, the young man had a brilliant idea. To cure his monotony, he would find a way to impress his mother when she returned from her trip. The plan was simple, of course.

Recently, news of the engagement of Prince Tabazan and Princess Avianna, King Feledain's daughter, had been spreading throughout the entire kingdom of Briarthorne. Oliver's scheme was to make a potion to disguise himself as the prince and marry the princess, bringing great wealth and dignity upon his family. With a quick flash of excitement, the witch's son rose from his seat to find a recipe for the magical concoction. After many hours of constant flipping through dusty, ancient pages of books, the young man finally found what he was searching for. The ingredients included a scale from a shimmering-sapphire fish, a phoenix feather, the tear of a pixie, the tooth of a troll, and a single hair from the head of Prince Tabazan.

Oliver dashed outside the tiny hut to find the angler. If anyone could catch a shimmering-sapphire fish, it was him. The elderly fisherman had a flair for catching all sorts of creatures in the murky waters of Goblin Swamp. Once he found the angler, the witch's son informed him of what kind of fish he was looking for. The old man shook his head and stroked his thick, dirty, grey beard.

"It's a foolish idea, eh. What you want is impossible, boy." Bemused, Oliver pointed to the enchanted fishing rod that lay on the muddy grass beside the fisherman.

"But it's your vocation to catch water creatures!" fumed the young man.

"I'm sorry, but my rod doesn't entice that type of fish. If I fling the magic hook into the bog, only common ones such as leopard fish will come." explained the angler.

Feeling a wave of trepidation, the witch's son dove into the murky bog in search of a shimmering-sapphire fish.

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