04 | Playing Dentist

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Something soft and fuzzy brushed past Oliver, waking him up from his graceful nap. He quickly got up once he remembered his quest.

"Tap, pity, tap. Find me the right map." he declared. Suddenly, a dusty paper appeared in his hand. Echo his cat nudged against him and asked him why he needed a map. "It's for a potion." replied the young wizard. The cat laughed.

"You make a potion? Ha! I'm coming with you. It will be so entertaining to see you fail. I have some errands to do, so we'll rendezvous at the bridge in front of Aspen Meadow." Echo finished her fanfaronade and slunk elegantly out the open door. Oliver packed his things and left for the meadow.

When the man reached the little bridge, he felt like someone was watching him. His suspicions were proved correct when a hideously revolting troll with disgusting, green skin hopped up from under the bridge and stood, blocking him from crossing over.

"Greetings, human, answer my riddle and you shall pass. What goes up a hill with one leg and comes down the hill with five legs?" questioned the troll.

"I don't know." replied Oliver.

"Ha, I made it up. That's why you can't answer it

"That was a very reprehensible thing to do."

"I know. I know," Admitted the troll. "but I'll play fair. All I need you to do is take out this one tooth that has been bothering me for quite some time."

Oliver accepted this request and found out that the troll's mouth was filled with a plenteous amount of cavities. Realizing that he would need special supplies, the witch's son summoned a tumbrel full of dentist tools. He immediately got to work. It took some time, but after some careful tugging and scraping, the yellow tooth popped out. Oliver knew that the tooth was important for his potion, so he implored the troll to let him keep it. The monster handed it over to him because he had no use for it, and it was really gross.

Once he had stuffed the ingredient into his leather satchel, the young wizard crossed the little bridge to continue his brave quest.


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