08 | Rightly But Wrongly Accused

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After finishing his dinner, Oliver was ready for a nice, serene nap. He wandered aimlessly through the castle, looking for a quiet place to sleep. Just as the wizard in disguise was about to pass another door, he heard a host of angry voices arguing amongst each other inside. Hearing the sounds, Oliver decided that this was the perfect opportunity to listen to some castle gossip.

After a few minutes of eavesdropping, Oliver realized that the strangers were talking badly about Prince Tabazan. The witch's son decided to barge in and defend His Royal Highness. He received a way different reaction than he had expected because all of the men welcomed him and grinned.

"Oh, welcome, dearest Tabazan! Please join us." A man with a crooked smile and greasy, black hair motioned for him to take a seat at the round, mahogany table which they were sitting at. Oliver joined them and glanced nervously around the dimly lit room. Suddenly, two soldiers stepped out of the caliginosity and bound Oliver's hands behind his back with rope.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" he remonstrated indignantly.

"Prince Tabazan, you are under arrest for the murders of all eight of your older brothers."

"I'm innocent!" Cried the wizard.

"We have proof of your murderous deceit. Here are the letters you sent your brethren, each one giving them directions to dangerous and secret skerries to find treasure. There never was any treasure! You made it all up so that you could kill them and take the throne for yourself."

"B-b-but I'm an only child. I don't have any brothers." Oliver forgot that they were talking about the prince, not him.

"Ha, he even confesses to his nefarious crimes. You are sentenced to life in the dungeon. Any last words?"

Oliver knew one thing. He didn't want to spend the rest of his forlorn life in a ramshackle cell, never to see the beautiful sweep of the Enchanted Forest ever again.

"How about a deal?" He asked the strangers. "If I find all eight of my brothers and prove that they're alive, will you set me free?" He implored them.

"Fine," Barked one of the men."but you have only one month, and you still get exile."

"May I bring along one staid friend to help me?"

"Who might that be?" The man with the greasy hair implored.

"My cat."

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