13 | Chief Hand In Cookie Jar

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After passing many trees and bushes, the group began to hear an enthusiastic voice giving orders.

"Yes, more glitter! No, not blue. Red is way more flattering!"

Tiptoeing closer to the noise, Oliver came face to face with the most absurd thing he had ever seen. A plump man wearing a tunic entirely made of diamonds was directing what looked like an advertisement for birds. He could tell by the bright sign reading "Celaeno's Hawkles". The hawkles were held in brass cages and had bodies of hawks but heads of turtles.

The man, who the wizard assumed was Celaeno, was more gaudy and vibrant than Mamma Phoenix. His black beard was braided with delicate gold wires, and on his head, he wore a tall headdress crafted from hundreds of fuchsia feathers. To complete his fabulous look, Celaeno's eyelids were heavily covered in silver eyeliner. He was the definition of bling.

"Greetings, travelers!" The man cheered. "I am Chief Celaeno! Would you care to browse the merchandise?"

"I don't think that-" Fake Tabazan scanned his eyes across the stage, suddenly stopping when he saw the eyes of the actors. "It can't be..." He wavered. They were the four remaining brothers. "Actually, I want their freedom." Oliver pointed at the actors.

"Impossible! They are worth more than you could ever afford. Also, my people are suffering. You see, were are incredibly poor. We need celebrities to sell hawkles." Complained Chief Celaeno.

Mr. Hand In Cookie Jar is totally blind. The wizard thought.

"Perhaps this would change your mind." Oliver took out the cloak of stars.

"Oooh, shiny!" He foamed in the mouth, completely in love with the coat.

"So, it's a deal?" Islidor inquired.


"Hurry," Fake Tabazan whispered to the brothers. "Let's go before his greed wears off."

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