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Excuse all typos in this chapter please!

Two days later..

Lucy's POV.
I heard my dad open the door and I closed and locked the window. He grabbed my hair slammed me against my mirror. I hit the floor with a thud. I heard him growl and I looked up to see his face was pained and his eyes were yellow. He struggled and finally said the words I've never heard.
"I'm sorry." Then he shut his eyes and they were back to normal. They were full of hate and disgust. And this is who my so called father is.

I woke up with a pang to my head. My body is stiff and weak. I was tired and vulnerable. I saw someone open and close a door. Oh no please don't let it be him. Please. I opened one eye to see a woman dressed in all white. Her skin was tanned and her hair was in a neat high ponytail. She had deep brown eyes and gave off this friendly vibe.

"Ahh good to see your up." She said filling out some papers.
I move my head slowly to look in her direction but she stopped me.

"Ah ah ah nope stay right there and don't move. Your seriously injured. How did this happen?" She asked.
"I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. My throat was dry and it hurt.

"Oh my bad I'm sorry ms." She apologized while giving me s cup of water. I took a few sips and coughed.

"It's okay." I said softly. "My names Lucy by the way."

"Well hello Lucy my name is Jane." She said warmly with a smile.

"How long was I out? Where am I? Who took me here? Where's Jose?"

"You were out for 2 days, you are in my office in the pack house, the alpha took you here, and who's Jose?" She answered.

"Jose is my baby brother. Where is he?" I asked sitting up a bit.

I groaned from a sharp pain in my back and head. I looked down at my hands and they had scrapes and bruises on them. My arms were scarred and bruised.

"How did you get them? The scars I mean." She asked hesitantly. I sighed sadly and took a deep breath.

"M-my fath-ther. H-he abused m-me every day. The o-one on my b-back and h-head was from last month. He b-beats me a-and... And he just..." I was pulled in to a warm embrace as I tears fell from my eyes. She let go of me when she noticed my back was hurting.

"He th-threatened me. With J-Jose. He s-said if I d-don't do what h-he wants, h-he will h-hurt him." I finished.

"Where was your mom?"

"I don't know. They don't care for me anyways. So why should it matter. My mom is never home and she's always depressed and drinking. And my father is on drugs. He drinks his sorrows away. So when he was passed out on the floor I took Jose with me and packed our things. Then I stumbled onto pack territory and was chased. I hid Jose and thought if anyone should get hurt its be. Jose is only a baby. Then a man with light brown hair tackled me and I fell onto rocks and I blacked out." I finished my story. Her face full of shock.

"Wow" was all she could say. She stood up and walked over to her desk to get straighten her papers.

"Um, who's the man with light brown hair and scary vibe?" I asked. She froze in her tracks.

"Oh you mean the alpha. He's the leader of our pack. He protects us, and he's not like the other alphas that have others do their work. He does it himself." She explained. I nodded in response and played with my fingers.

"You know you are very fortunate. He normally bans rouges or sends them to another pack. Where they kill them." She finished. A lump formed in my throat and my heart beat raced.

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