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1 week later

Michael's POV

Finally she woke up. She has been  unconscious for about a week and I was starting to get worried. Her eyes opened and she blinked a few times to get used to the lights.  She sat up and stretched her arms out and looked over at me. She smiled but that faded into a frown. She looked upset with me and I know she was.

"Can we..."

"No, just leave me alone."

"But baby, I'm sorry."

"You didn't seem sorry when her hand was on your dick and when that bitch kissed you."

"I had no control over it Lucy."

"Right...but you did push her off after such a kiss. I hate guys like you. Just allowing girls to do what ever they want. It's fucking disgusting." She said this and looked away. I stood up and grabbed her hand.

"What the fuck do you want Michael?! Why must you keep bothering me? Leave me alone!" She took her hand away and got out the bed. She left the room slamming the door. I fell to my knees and sighed. My heart was hurting and my head was killing me.

Lucy's POV

I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. I grabbed a bottle of water and went into the yard. I walked towards the woods and with each step I felt Michael's heart breaking. It hurt but he hurt me more. He allowed that shit to happen. After a few minutes of walking I sat on a fallen tree trunk and the tears fell. I was angry, angry that he allowed not one but two girls put their hands in places that they shouldn't. I let out a loud howl of pain and cried into my knees. I heard a few branches snap but I didn't care. I felt a hand rub circles on my back. Thus person smelled like Michael but it was more feminine. I looked up to see it was his mother. She hugged me and I cried even more.

After a good while, I couldn't cry anymore and we walked back to the back house. I went straight to my room and locked the door. In my room there was Jose and Michael's younger siblings Jase and Rose. The three of them saw me and Jose came running to me. He's very quiet for a little kid but he's very social. He hugged my leg and kissed my hand. I bent down and gave him a hug. I told him to go play and that I'll be in the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes and a towel and went into the bathroom. I flicked the lights on and Michael was standing behind me. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and walked out the bathroom. I was punching his back and swinging my legs around. He left my room and walked to his room. He threw me on his bed and shut the door and made sure it was locked.

"What the fuck do you want Michael?" I got a good look at his face and I could see the pain in his eyes.

"I'm leaving." Those two words made my heart stop and I felt what ever tears I had left fall down my cheeks.

"Since you are mad at me, I'm going to my sisters pack for a while. You said you want me to leave you alone, so I will. I'm leaving now." He said this with sadness and anger.

"Fuck you. You're being a pussy. You think you can run away from your problems. You think that when you get back everything will be peachy?!" I yelled at him. I was hurt. He took both of my hands and pinned me against the bed. He layed ontop of me and I felt his tears on my shoulder. He kissed my shoulder up to my neck and cheek. He got off of me and grabbed his bag and left.

"See you when ever I guess... good bye lucy." He walked out the door and I sat there stunned.

"Michael...come back, Please." Tears flowed down the sides of my eyes and I felt my heart sink. A heavy weight was placed onto my whole body. I couldn't move. I didn't want to move. He left... I know it's not for long but he still left me.

I ran to the bathroom after feeling sick to my stomach. I threw up into the toilet and felt weak. My skin looked pale and my legs felt like brittle, old twigs under me. I fell to the ground as took a step out the bathroom.

My stomach contracted and burned. Then I blacked out.

Sorry for the late, short updates. I know it's been pretty shatty lately but I've been on that scholar life. Keeping my grades up is hard work. And then keeping a book interesting. But I appreciate those who keep reading and like the chapters. Please keep it up and I will try my best to keep a update cycle.😊😊😊

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