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"Peach everything will be ok"

"I hope so he is just a baby he doesn't deserve this"

"He is gonna be ok"

"I am praying that he will be alright this is too much for a small baby"

Peaches wipes her tears & sits down when she looks up she sees that Jay is gone, Natalia is just looking at her baby brother threw the glass window when Valentin pulls her into a room covering her mouth.

"Papa what are you doing here I thought you were dead?"

"No my little princess papa has always been here how is your baby brother doing?"

"We don't know anything yet he wasn't eating then mommy brought him here & then he had a seizure following after a bad nose bleed I'm so scared for him"

"Just pray for him alright, how is your mother holding up?"

"She hasn't stopped crying since she got here. Why are you hiding in this room?"

"I like to do thing in quiet it's much better this way can you do something for me?"

"Yes anything?"

"Can you keep me update about everything going on with your mother & brother please I have somethings to do alright & I won't be around enough I'm going to give you my number you call me when everything some new comes up can you do that for me?"

"Yes papa"

"Good, I love you alright you be good & don't get into any trouble alright"

"I won't"

Valentin kisses her head & she walks out the door then he leaves threw the back entrance. Natalia does't see Peaches anywhere she starts walking around the hospital looking for her, when she sees her mother crying on her father's arm as he is laying on the hospital bed with a breathing tube going into his mouth, Natalia over hears her mother talking to her father

"I wish that things were better & back to normal I miss you like crazy Tyree nothing is the same without here with me, I miss everything about you, your son isn't in the best of  health right now but he needs more then ever, Natalia needs her father she misses her king when she is your princess.

You the only man who I love to the death of me, Jay isn't the same anymore he is so different now that Jay jay is gone, you left me with so many questions that need answer why would he want you dead?"

Peaches kisses his hands & rubs it slowly as the tears from her eyes fall. She looks at Tyree the man who she was suppose to marry in a coma state from his large amount of blood loss.

Doctors told her they can't say yet if he is gonna make through his coma but all she can do is pray for better news that everything will turn out to be better for her family.

Peaches kisses his cheek as she stands up getting ready to leave when she notices Natalia standing in the door way crying as she looks at her father

"Mommy is daddy gonna be OK?"

"Honey I don't know  but both daddy is strong he is gonna get through this just keep him in your prayers alright, go give him a kiss" 

Natalia goes to her father pulling the chair near him

"Daddy, I need you to get better that way I can hug you & get all of your kisses I miss you so much"

She breaks down in tears

"I need you so much little Ty needs you daddy he isn't doing so good he is very sick right now we all need you especially mommy sometimes I wish I would've stopped Jay if I would've known all this was going to happen..." 

Peaches cuts her off

"What are you talking about Natalia, did Jay Jay tell you what he was gonna do?"

"Yes but...."

She cuts her off again

"You should've said something Natalia, didn't you promise daddy if you felt something was wrong you would tell me or him"

"I know but I made a promise to Jay I wouldn't say anything to anyone about it mommy I don't break my promises uncle Jay knew it too he made him shoot daddy so he wouldn't have competition anymore. Jay jay said that he was gonna take out the competition so uncle Jay could be on top then he would beat Jay Jay if he didn't do what he said I never knew he was gonna put daddy in here, Mommy if I would have knew I would've said something I'm so sorry"

Peaches hugs her daughter as she cries on her shoulder & Jay walks into the room

Peaches IIWhere stories live. Discover now