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Peaches is looking at her brother with a disgusted face

"Natalia go check on your brother please I wanna have a talk with your uncle"

"Ok mommy"

She looks at her mother know what she is gonna do & she leaves the room

"How's he doing?"

"Alright he's improving but it's very slow"

"That's good I guess"

"I have this burning question"

"What is it?"

"Why would Jay wanna shoot Tyree he  was good  to him anything he needed for school Ty would make it his business to make he had it, Tyree treated him like his own son.......

Jay cuts off Peaches by slapping her across her face she falls to the ground holding her cheek instantly tears are running down her cheek

"That piece of shit can never replace me as Jay Jay's father how dare you say that to me"

"Are you mad that Tyree will always be the better man then you huh Jay all you do is get high on your shit"

Peaches breaks a glass over his head & runs out the room, Jay goes after her

"Get back over here I just wanna talk Peach come on I'm your big brother your suppose to love no matter what I do"

"Your not my brother the Jay I know & love would never put his hands on me, when you get high your an entirely different get away from me get out no body wants you here no wonder why Tina kept Jay away from you. You lost your self"

"I didn't loose my self I lost my sister you betrayed me Peaches"

"I never betrayed you Jay what are you talking about?"

"When I got locked up who was the one who called the police huh who was the one who told Tyree about where I hide my money & drugs, the one person who I told was you"

"I never said anything I swore I never said anything to anyone, I always kept what you told me to myself. The one who told Tyree was Tina, I had nothing to do with that"

"That's bullshit because I wasn't even fucking with Tina back then, how could you Peaches we blood. How could you snitch on me like that I got locked up all because of you & I missed out on my life everything all because of you"

"What fuck are you even talking about because I didn't even do anything from the jump Jay your loosing your fucking mind maybe if you stop getting high you might be able to see what's real"

Jay goes up to Peaches he is about to tell her off when Natalia walks into the waiting room


"Yes baby?"

"The doctor wants you"

"OK I'm coming now"

She is about to walk away when Jay grabs her arm

"This isn't over"

"Get clean then it can be"

She walks out, Jay punches the wall making his hand bleed he walks outta the room

"You wanted to see me doctor? how's my baby?"

"He is a fighter but he is gonna need a blood transfusion from his father is he around? because right now we are short medical supplies after explosion in Tokyo we had to send out our supplies to help them for his weight the blood caused him to have the seizure he is resting right now"

"His father is here he is Tyree Rivera in rm 450 down the hall"

"Alright I have a nurse take his blood but before we do that just to be sure would you like to have a DNA test done & we can perform the transfusion then in a few days he can go home"

Peaches thinks about what if Tyree isn't the father & it's really Valentin

"Yes I would like the test thank you but can you explain to me the reason why he wasn't eating?"

"Alright I will have my nurse take his DNA & to answer your question he just wasn't hungry at the time when you were feeding him, when one of my nurse was feeding him he was just fine"

"Thank you so much"

"Your very welcome"

The doctor leaves. 15 minutes later Natalia is about to leave with Kris 

"Hey, hows the baby is he gonna be ok?"

"Yeah he needs to have a blood transfusion then hopefully in a few days he can go home"

"I will be praying for a speedy recovery"

"Thank you so much Kris for everything I really mean that"

"You good ma, I kind of like the company plus you are truly a beautiful woman I am just here to help"


He hugs her tightly, in the back of Peaches's mind the hug reminds her of how Tyree would hug her when she felt so depressed & sad she whispers something 




"Alright come on little pretty lady"

Peaches kisses Natalia's cheek & hugs her tightly 

"You call me when you get there alright?"

"Yes mommy I will call you when I get there"

"Good I love you princess"

"I love you more"

They leave 


In Tyree's room a nurse is taking his DNA when Valentin walks into the room

"Excuse me miss"

"Yes? sir do you need something?"

She completes the DNA test from Tyree as she is about to walk out the room 

"Sir you can't be in this room visiting hours are over"


She leaves the room & Valentin is watching take the test into a testing lab. He covers her mouth as they both go into the room

"Sir I'm calling security...."

He points his gun at her 

"I think you don't wanna do that I need you to do something for me"

"Please don't hurt me"

"I won't if you follow my rules"


"When you get that test back I want you to fix it"

"I will loose my job for that I am not gonna do that"

"If you don't I will put 4 bullets in your skull"

"How do you want me to fix it?"

"When you get the test back make it look like that man you took the DNA from isn't the father"

"Why would you wanna do that?"

"Mind your business you ask to many damn questions are you gonna do it or not"

He places the gun to her head cocking it back

"Fine I will do it just please don't hurt me" 

"Good girl how long will it take to get he results back?"

"24 hours"

"Alright I guess we will wait for them then we can get down to business"

Peaches IIWhere stories live. Discover now