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Tyree turns off the cigar & goes back into his bedroom to see Peaches knocked out with her mouth open snoring, he worked her body, mind & soul out he gives her a soft kiss on her cheek

He goes to check on his babies he sees them sleeping peacefully & makes his way down to his office the memories of when he would do his business deals with man just like him murders & dealers

"I have finally given it up & she made me I don't any regret"

Tyree sits at his desk when he hears footsteps he goes to his door with gun at his waste Peaches is walking to his office

"I left you sleeping go back to bed"

"I can't sleep without you next to me"

"I will up there in a minute I know your still tired"

"Come with me papi"

Tyree knows he can't tell her no any longer she takes his hand they both go upstairs he lays down she crawls right up under him. He holds her in his arms she hugs him tightly

"I never wanna let you go"

"I never will let you go"

Ty kisses her head & she smiles at him


Jay is laying next to Linda as he is kissing on her neck in his apartment

"Mmmm Jaylen"

His hand travels on her body making her shake

"Stop... wait"

He looks at her

"What is it?"

"We can't"

"Why not? Valentin is in a coma doctors say they don't know when he will wake up"

"I know that but I am still his wife we are married we both took a vow to be loyal to one another"

Jay begins to get upset

"That man beat you, forced you to sleep with him, he treats you like garbage & you still remain loyal to him but you let me kiss you & pleasure your body"

"I know but I can't just leave the man who gave me this lifestyle & gave me my children"

"You think I can't support you & your children is be fine"

"I am so sorry Jay, I can't just up & leave Valentin like this you have to understand where I am coming from he is the only man who I have ever loved since I was a teenager"

"So you don't love me now?"

"No I do love you Jay, but you gotta understand he is my husband & father to my children"

"So why are you still calling me, why are you still telling me that you need me?"

Jay stands up & starts putting on his clothes

"Where are you going?"

"It's clear to me you won't leave Valentin so I am gonna save you the trouble"

"Jay, please don't do this"

"No, Linda you know damn well I can give you the world, treat you like the queen you deserve to be"

"Please don't make this harder then it has to be Jay please"

"Linda I know it's not hard your making hard for yourself"

Jay ties up his Tim's & heads towards the door

"I'm pregnant!"

He stops in his tracts, he turns towards Linda


"I'm pregnant"

"How do I know your actually pregnant? & your not just saying this to keep me around don't fucking play games with me you know what happen with my son so don't fucking play games with me"

"Jaylen, I am not lying I found out 6 weeks ago"

She goes into her purse & takes out a picture of a sonogram showing him the truth

"I don't lie about this"

"How do I know this baby is actually mine & not Valentin's"

"I asked my doctor & he said when I am 5 months we will find out"

"If this baby does turn out to be my baby you will be mine & I don't care if I have to go to war with Valentin or Tyree, you will be mine & I am going to take care of you & our baby"

He tells her as he places his hand on her small belly

She smiles at him he cups her face in his hands kissing her softly


2 Days Later

Peaches is at the park with Lil Ty as Natalia is in school, Tyree surprises her with a big bouquet of flowers

"Ty, you didn't have too"

"I wanted too mamas you my queen you need to be one & wear your crown as high as possible"

She leans over to him kissing his cheek & Lil Ty gets excited Tyree picks him up

"You getting bigger & bigger"

"Of course he eats a lot"

"Just like his daddy"

He get very excited as his father speaks & screams showing off his gums with his father's smile

"That's my boy, he is gonna be a ladies man"

"I pray he's not, I am not ready for my baby to grow up on me Natalia is getting older each & everyday pretty soon she is gonna want a boy......."

Tyree cuts her off

"Over my dead body my princess will want a boyfriend she is gonna wait until she moves outta the house to want a boyfriend"

"What?, you gonna be 10x worst then Jay was"

"No I am her father & she is my baby girl, my pride & joy I don't care how old she gets she will always be my baby girl, Jay always treated you like a little girl was because he was all you have in this world. Now you got me, Lil man here & Natalia who love you"

"I love you all but she is gonna wanna grow up one day Ty & you gotta be ready for it if not she is gonna run off with her boyfriend whether you like or not just give it Tyree"

"Like I said over my dead body she will run she isn't that crazy to do some shit like that"

"Did you forget who your talking about? She's your daughter Tyree she is everything like you"

"I know she's my baby girl & this is my little man"

Lil Ty get very excited knowing his father is talking about him he starts talking about him in his baby talk

"Yeah buddy you got yourself a girlfriend, she's beautiful like your mother then she's a keeper"

Peaches giggle at them too she leans back against the tree & watch Tyree bond with his son


Linda is at the hospital in Valentin's room sitting next to him

"Doctor's don't know if your gonna pull through this but whatever happen just know that I will always be at your side"

She leans over to him & kisses his cheek when she feel him grab her hand

Peaches IIWhere stories live. Discover now