Gerard Way Tweets

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This is a new segment of Tumblr's Guide. It's called Tweets! This will include five random tweets from a band member/band.

1. My super hero name would be The PUN-isher

2. christ, imagine if your name was Mr Lotion that'd be a bummer

3. Yer like, hanging out with a friend you haven't seen in a long time and yer at the house and yer saying you need a snack and he goes pssst! And he takes you down a really elaborate set of stairs and hidden behind some metal shelving is a box in a hole in the wall and inside there is a whole shit-ton of oreos and ho hos and he just smiles back at you and says, "It's my STASH!"

4. Please, save your cheese for your own wonderful cardigan

5. Shirts of Pants, a book of poetry by Gerard Way

How do you guys like my new profile pic?

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