Chapter 1

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    Foxy's POV

Oh, look at the band. The kids love them. Then look at me, dirty and ripped. Tank is empty and I'm runnin' on rage. Authors Note: Comment if you got the reference. There's only one kid who payed attention to me, who loved me. Her name is Cody Anderson. She didn't care about what I did back in '87. I was still her favourite. She came here every day just to see me. She wouldn't insult me like the other kids. Infact, Cody would go ahead and defend me. She would look past my flaws and hang out with me. I loved that.

   Bonnie's POV

What is this that I'm feeling when I look at Foxy. I feel like I love him but, he's probably doesn't like so I can't love him. Freddy is a secret telling bitch. And worst of all, Chica, the motherducker, will do whatever it takes to be FaceBook famous with her, and I quote, "JUICY DEATS" she somehow finds a way to embarrass us so yeah. I can't confess to anyone. My life is just one big dissapointment. But today, I looked at Foxy as the pizzeria closed for the day and he was sad. Maybe, someone said something but he wouldn't cry over that. He's to feirce and brave. I walked over to him and sat next to him. "Foxy, what's wrong?" He suddenly hugs me and I blush really hard. "Why didn't Cody come? She hasn't been here for a week now. Does she not like me anymore?" He starts to cry more. "Now, now me have no one."
"You have me." I told him as I run my fingers through my long, curly, lilac hair. He leans back looking confused.

    Foxy's POV

  Did she just try to tell me that she loves me?
"What are you saying?" I ask.
I wait for an answer but she crashes her lips on mine. At first I was shocked because I was hoping she didn't know I had a crush on her. But then, I just enjoyed the kiss. She pulled back fast. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. Me loved it."
I kissed her again but I heard a flash. I pulled back as fast as the speed of light and saw Chica with her iPhone. "Ye god damned duck. Delete it now or else I'll force ye to walk the plank."
"You gotta catch me first, dodo head!" She ran off while posting us kissing on her social media.
"Yes, what do need to ask?"
"Would ye l-like to, I mean, sorta kinda----"
She kisses me on my forehead and ruffles my hair as she stands up to leave my cove. "Be your girlfriend? I've been waiting for you to ask that since we met!"
I feel so happy that I forget to try to kill the guard.
I'm the happiest pirate in the world.

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