Chapter 2

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Bonnie's POV

I look at Foxy as I leave, with a huge smile. I look on my phone. Figures, Chica posted the picture. I read the caption terrified:"Looks like buttfaced-Bonnie kissed my man. I was walking into Pirate's Cove, going to ask Foxy to be my boyfriend, and the two were kissing. I'm out for you Bonnie and things are about to get ugly." I ran back to Foxy and sat next to him, shivering with fright. "Aye lass, what's wrong?" I showed him my phone and he was scared for me. He dropped the phone, wrapped his arms around me, and holds my head to his chest.
"Sssssssshhhhhhhh. Don't worry. I'll protect ye forever. Don't worry."
I start to cry. "Do you mean that?"
"Yes my love." As he says that, I hear the curtains open and I see a shadowy figure.
The figure comes close and reveals Chica. She sits in the middle of us and snarls at me.
"Uh lass, threesa crowd."
"Did you hear that Bonnie? Move!!!"
"No thanks, I'm good." I say with a stubborn voice. I see Foxy and he smiles because I've never stood up for myself before.
"What. Did you. Just say. To ME?!?!?!?!" she then asks.
I stand up, crossing my arms, " I said, NoOoOoOoOo. So what are you gonna do about it? Lay an egg, DUCK!!" She gives me the scariest look ever, grabs the top of my dress, and lifts me up like one of those bullies in the movies. I know I'm in trouble.
"Foxy! Help!!" Foxy tries to stand up.
He whimpers and sits back down.
"Listen here, cotten tail, stay away from Foxy or I'll rip you to shreds!" She drops me as I become unconshiss. Authors Note: Sorry, don't know how to spell it. All I last see I Foxy run over to me, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks.

Foxy's POV

"Bonnie?!?! Please don't leave me like t'is. I love ye too much! Please don't leave me." I yell, while tears stream down my freckled cheeks. I look to see Chica, and she left with her "Little-Miss-Innocent" walk and I just wanted to punch her. I had nothing to do now, so I picked her up and covered her with my fox hoodie. She looks so adorable. I felt like I had to kiss her. And I did. Her soft lips touched mine. Suddenly, her arms wrapped around me. She was..........

Find out what happens next on Pokemon. (sorry i had too.)

My Hero Is A FoxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin