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I looked up at the man who was sitting behind the desk. He was old and he was smoking. He looks like he's important so I just use my tail to scratch my head. The old man chuckles. Then he tries to pick me up. When he does, the others gasp in awe. I wait until they move a bit closer towards me. Then I let loose a thunder shock. While saying ''Pii..kaa! Chuu!''
'Ha the looks on their faces as they get shocked.'
But they didn't seem all that mad. They thought it was normal. Instead I was handed off again to this man who had a scar across his nose. I just sighed and waited until he entered this place that looked like an academy. It was full of screaming kids. As soon as the man placed me down, I ran towards the quietest of these kids, who seemed to be sleeping. I snuggled up right next to him and fell asleep next to him. I don't think he noticed but I didn't mind.
I woke up to the sound of yelling. I fell asleep on his head, I couldn't help it. He's so quiet that I fell asleep. The scar nose man was yelling at a blonde kid who was tied up. This angered me. I jumped off of his head, and I let loose a wild thunder shock.
I enjoyed seeing jump around and scream, as electricity went through their bodies. After that I used iron tail to break the ropes he was in. Once he stood up almost everyone was on the floor twitching and unconcious. I happily jumped onto his shoulder, nuzzling my cheek with his.
He grinned and shouts out happily that his name is Naruto Uzumaki and that he's gonna become the next Hokage.
I sadly have no clue what a Hokage is, so I just give my best smile and give a peace sign while saying.
This seemed to make him smile as he sat down at one of the seats with desks. I knew it would be a while before scar-nose woke up. Until then I'll catch up on my zzz's by using rest. While Naruto talked and talked.
I heard someone yelling again and woke up with a start to scar-nose yelling at Naruto and me. I have no interest what scar-nose has to say. He hasn't earned my respect yet. I turn my head and bury myself deeper in his spiky blonde hair. Its so soft. I think scar-nose just got angrier at us when I ignored him because unknown to me Naruto had turned away from scar-nose too.
I see scar-nose get this evil look on his face and begin to say some things to the whole class. They all groan at what he says. I could care less. I'm an electric type and a strong one, so I'm not scared of much. I don't see why I have to stay here.
I feel Naruto stand up, I jump as soon as he does that. I don't want to get in his way. But as soon as I scar-nose tell Naruto its his turn.
My eyes! Naruto why?!
He transformed into another human that I rather not say. But scar-nose got a huge bloody nose and went flying. I couldn't help but laugh at that. That was so funny! Humans are so much fun!
''Pika! Kaa! Pii..kaa!''
Everyone had gone and I was the only one left but I was still using rest to regain power. I felt someone jab me.
''Pii..kaa!'' I replied dangerously.
Everyone is looking at me so I guess I have to do what they where doing. I walked up to the front of their class and I use mimic which allowed me to transform into Naruto.

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