Chapter 5

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Kiba placed me in front of a bowl filled with food. I gave it a sniff, then turned my head away. The food he offered me had no variety. The bitter scent of herbs made me twitch my nose in distaste. Kiba was frustrated that I wouldn't eat the food that was given to me. His sister, I believe her name's Hana, had taken the bowl from me while saying a few words to calm Kiba down. I watched with interest as Hana added a few spices to it. With a happy look she set the bowl in front of me. Giving the food a cautious sniff, I soon began to eat in gusto. Hana laughed at the sight. Kiba grumbled under his breath. I eyed them both suspiciously as I ate. After I finished the food, I hopped onto a bookcase. Circling a few times I fell asleep, ignoring Hana and Kiba.
I've been asleep for a whole day. Waking up a little before dawn, I hopped off the bookcase and ran quickly to the nearest open window. Making my escape by heading towards the school full of children. Arriving there I was successfully able to snatch an apple on the way. Nibbling on the fruit I waited patiently for Naruto to show up. He was an interesting human, and I'm sure I'll have some fun training to evolve. My ears perked up at the sound of a few people coming in. One kid's hair looks like a murcrow, for a moment it startled me, so I used spark in his direction. To my suprise he dodged it, then I realized that there wasn't a murcrow on his head it was just his hair. A laugh started to build up in my throat and I couldn't take it anymore.
''Pika!!! Pika!!!'' I laughed.
I stopped my laughter once I saw a familiar face. Letting out an excited ''Pika!'' I ran and hopped on the boy's head nuzzling his hair. He was oblivious though, still arguing with the pineapple kid, who he calls Shikamaru. Finally realizing that I was here Naruto greeted me seeing that I was on his head. Naruto had called Scar nose, Iruka sensei. Making myself comfortable I watched in interest as Sakura and Ino raced each other and fought along with many other girls.
'Lovesick, the lot of them.' I thought with disinterest.
I was jolted awake from my rest by Naruto getting pushed to kiss murcrow. I leapt out of the way as both Naruto and murcrow threw insults at each other. I watched from my perch on Shikamaru's shoulder as Naruto became surrounded by angry lovesick girls. I ignored it and fell asleep on Shikamaru's shoulder.
I felt some shaking me awake, opening my eyes I saw Naruto talking excitedly to me as I stood up and leaped into his arms. He was shocked at first then he began to talk about how I was placed on his genin team seven and how are sensei was taking forever to get here. Placing me on his head he prepares a trap for sensei. I watched, respect for Naruto started to build in me. I growled at murcrow for insulting Naruto and I by saying I probably don't understand them. Sparks flew from my cheeks. But our sensei walked in just in time, allowing the trap Naruto had set on him. Naruto laughed at how well his prank worked. Turning my attention away from them I only caught the words, ''I hate you.''
I gripped onto Naruto's hair as he ran up the stairs to meet with sensei. My nose twitches at the man's scent. His face buried in a book and one eye was covered. I fall asleep from boredom on Naruto's head, waking up feeling everyone stare at me. Feeling nervous, I use my tail to scratch my head. They stop staring at me and Naruto's sensei begins talking about a survival exercise and only a sixty-six percent of all the students will actually graduate. Before he leaves he gives all of us a sheet of paper with instructions written on it, before telling us not to eat or we'll puke. I stay with Naruto as he went on with his day. Sighing at how oblivious he is at love. Though I won't follow sensei's rules, I could never fight with an empty stomach. I bury myself in his fluffy hair and think up a couple of strategies to use on sensei, falling asleep in the process.

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