Chapter 4

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I could care less were they would want me to go. I stay on Naruto's head happy as can be. I see the lady with the red marks on her cheeks reaching for me. I let sparks fly from my cheeks. I won't go with her, I'll go with Naruto. Her hands go back. I relax and sigh. But I hear someone following us. I jump off of Naruto's head and into the trees. I watch with interest as a square box... that's poorly disguised as a rock follow Naruto. I let out a chuckle. Jumping down from the tree I watch as Naruto now begins to talk with the kid and his friends.

~In which they had apparently used to much smoke to make their entrance a dramatic appearance.~

I got bored at the sight quickly. But that changed quickly as my belly began to growl rather loudly. Naruto and the little kid looked at me. I smile sheepishly and scratch my head by using my tail. The child shouts loudly at me. I panic and use 'dig'.

~Dig is my main self defense against squealing children.~

That is... until you enter a world were there are adults that can easily grab you. Even if you are six feet in solid dirt and rock.
I stare at the person who grabbed me. A boy, he's Naruto's age with the same red marks as the woman and the girl.
"Pi... ka?" I say in my most innocent voice. With pichu eyes.
He tells me how he's not gonna fall for it, even his weird Pokemon partner barks in agreement with him. I squirm in his hand, trying talk to the weird Pokemon on the boy's head. Sadly he dosen't understand me. The boy who calls himself Kiba carries me to the same place I thought I wouldn't have to go back to.

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