The Fault In Our Stars

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She was smiling at her book again, chewing on her finer nails. She wasn't paying attention to anyone else. She was trapped inside her own world. Her golden blonde hair fell over her ear, hiding part of her face. She pushed it behind her ear, her eyes never leaving the pages.

I finally got enough courage to talk to her, so here I am. Standing by her empty table, waiting for her to notice my presence.

She looked up with her thumb in her mouth and her eyes wide open. I smiled and she shut her eyes, moving her thumb away from her mouth, and closing her book.

"Hi," I kept smiling.

"Hi." She smiled back. "You're the goalkeeper right?" She asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Can I sit?"

"Yeah! Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Sorry." She smiled and apologized. I sat across from her and stared into her deep blue eyes.

I laughed with her. "That book must be good. I always see you reading it." I smiled again.

"Yeah, it's my favorite." She smiled.

"What is it about?" I ask.

She widens her eyes and chuckles, closing the book. "It's nothing."

"Oh, okay." I shrugged and smiled. "So, call me creepy, but I think you're really pretty. I've seen you in class and you're just beyond beautiful and I just wanted you to know that." I stood up to avoid awkward rejection.

She whispered something and looked down at her hands. "You're leaving?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah. I figured you wouldn't want some stalker guy sitting with you." I laughed nervously and slowly started sitting down.

"I-I-" She sucked in a sharp breath and looked at me with her big blue eyes, trying to hide a smile. "I think you're cute.." She said looking straight at me.

"Really?" I changed the awkward tone and rose an eyebrow, making her laugh. She covered her hands over her mouth and let out a giggle.

"Do you want to be friends?" She asked, her eyes filled with hope.

"Not really, but it's a start right?" I laughed. Her eyes fell a little and I was quick to correct myself. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant like, you're cute and I like you, I wouldn't want to be friend zoned but if that means I get to know you better," I smiled at her.

She smiled and pushed some of her hair back behind her ear. "Yeah. Let's be friends." She looked up at me and nodded her head.

"Okay." I nodded too.

"Okay." She said quietly.

"Perhaps okay will be our always." I did my best impression of majestic Augustus Waters and looked at her. She laughed and covered hr hands over her mouth again.

"Okay." She said and the rest of lunch we sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. She looked at me every now and then, thinking I didn't see her.

I looked at her, hoping she didn't see me when I snuck glances.

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