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For the next three months, Harry and Taylor were inseparable. They went to the mall together, they had dinner together, they want to family Christmas parties together, they went shopping together. Harry and Taylor went to the zoo together. Harry and Taylor went on a picnic. Harry and Taylor were partners in every class at school. Harry and Taylor this, Harry and Taylor that. They did everything together. They both felt that it was like the beginning of their friendship.

Before everything was heavy and complicated for them. Harry had broken up with his girlfriebd because she had said something horrible about Taylor and Harry didn't like it.

When Taylor found out she immediately planned a big celebration. On Harry's birthday, she had planned a fancy dinner at their favorite spot, got a cello player, rented a limo, and tricked Harry into coming there. When he got there she asked him out and he said yes right away.

They have been dating since then. Everyone thinks it is too soon for them to be spending so much together, introducing each other to their families, saying I love you to each other.

They find it ridiculous that Harry and Taylor could move so fast into the relationship with only a month of dating each other.

Taylor and Harry scoffed at the opinions of unimportant peers. They have known each other forever and just because the world has seen them as dating for a month, they really have been together for almost a year. They have loved each other since day one and just didn't know it.

Since Harry has come back into her life, Taylor has been herself again. She reads constantly and has a decent conversation with her dad on occasion. She rarely feels the way she did when she was without Harry.

Anne and Andrea always talk without them and have nice conversations about how soon they are going to get married and how right for each other they are.

Taylor and Harry didn't have to be together to know that they were soul mates. They were made for each other and everyone knew it. They didn't have to see them together, they just had to hear about them and know.

They fight constantly but they always recover. Of course, Taylor is always afraid that she will do something to upset Harry and then she would lose him. Of course to Harry, that was ridiculous.

Death would be the only thing to break them apart.

And, much like all great love stories, it had to come to an end.

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