Chapter 2

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AN: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and Comment!!

Alicia woke up to a white ceiling.

Her eyelids were half way open and her arms and legs felt sore as she turned onto her side. A dark red couch was pushed back against the wall next to her bed. She glanced down and saw her arm hanging off the bed, a tube running from a bandage under her wrist to an iv above her head. Alicia sat upright in the bed and a wave of nausea came over her. Her stomach wrenched and she puked all over the hospital bed. She barely had time to breath before another wave of nausea flooded her again and she began vomiting in violent intervals.

A nurse burst through the door with a large bucket and held it under her as the bile spewed from her. The smell was vile and the taste was even worst. Alicia prayed for it to stop-afraid that the rapid abdominal contractions might rip her intestines somehow. She wasn't sure it was fully possible medically, but the way with the way her stomach started twisting and surging she decided to throw her doubts away.

After the vomiting stopped the next few hours were filled with her drifting in and out of consciousness and pain. At one point she was in the bathtub...then a hallway...then a car. Now she was in a bed in another room with another white ceiling. She could feel her eyes drooping as someone shifted the pillow under her head. Alicia felt a cool hand close around her own. It felt leathery... gloved, and seemed like it was trying to be comfort her, the thumb soothingly trace circles on the back of her hand.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot up from the lower part of her spine and she screamed. Red flashed in front of her eyes as repeated shots of pain hit her back to back.

Like fire, it spread to every part of her body. Alicia tried to understand what was happening, to grasp what was going on, but the only thing she could apprehend was the fact that she was that her skeleton felt like it was being ripped apart from her body.

Various body parts began soon joining in on physically attacking her. Alicia couldn't even tell if she was screaming anymore. The hairs all over her body seemed to be lit aflame while her every pore began to rhythmically expand and contract forcing her to feel as if someone was was grabbing and stretching her skin like a child who would pull the putty as far as it can go only to see it tear down the middle.

A raging migraine pounded her head while her feet began to develop cramps. Even her pulse became painful. Her soft pulse of blood became metallic and dense causing her blood to feel as if it was punching the inside of her veins and scraping trying to get out . The blood felt too thick, like its' density was growing by the minute about to burst and pop her veins. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

Suddenly her lungs felt heavy and her breathing became restrained. Her throat felt as if it had been closed off and her body began to flail like a fish out of water.

"Do it!" A voice shouted. It sounded feminine.

"Are-are you sure?" A masculine voice responded. "If we just find out the source-"

"We can't, we're running out of time."


"There's no more time. Do it." The feminine voice demanded.

A few seconds passed and Alicia felt a strong pinch in her neck. A cold sensation flowed throughout her body as if her veins were being filled with ice water.

The pain slowly started to dissipate, replaced by the sudden feeling that she was freezing from the inside out. Her body felt stiff, numb, motionless, and cold like a corpse in a casket.

This should've alarmed her but instead Alicia was filled with relief because this felt 140% better than her previous physiological experience.

As everything began to calm she realized her eyes were closed. In fact, she was squeezing them shut. As Alicia opened them, her eyelids felt oddly enough...sore.

Again, she was looking up at a white ceiling. A fluorescent light flickering above her.

A hand appeared in front of her face. It wore a blue glove and held a clear gas mask in the palm.

Alicia didn't have enough energy or even muscle control to be able to turn and look at the anonymous doctor. All she could assume was that the hand that held the anesthesia belonged to one of the two voices she heard.

Alicia watched as the mask was placed on top of her mouth and then felt as another hand strapped it behind her head at the same time. The gas brushed against her cheeks as it gushed from the mask.

Voluntarily, she breathed it in- having not even enough strength nor adrenaline to try to rip it off.

All Alicia could really do was lie there and hope for the best as she eased into the anesthetic unconsciousness.

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