Chapter 5

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A blur leapt from the balcony and into the middle of the cafeteria. School children screams pierced Aquincia's ears including her own.

The source of the commotion looked like some type of a giant arachnid. It was spread out on the floor from the from the jumped, its spider-like legs scrambling to get a hold and balance on the waxed tiled floor like a newly born doe learning how to wallk. The whole cafeteria was quiet with shock, as the they watched the creature fight with it's balance. The stunned silence still waded though when the creature finally got a stance and stood up. It's stance was still and undeterred like a statue. Everyone in the cafeteria, including Aquincia was paralyzed with fear. A deep panic eteched into their faces as the creature raise what looked like husk like a attenaes and like shook them in small movements- it was almost like it was smelling the air.

What was it looking for?

A sharp growl rippend through the silent tension of the room. And suddenly, the creature whipped it head to the right.

Multiple opaque eyes looked directly into hers, and before the Aquincia could register what was happening, her collar was pulled against her neck and she felt like she was flung through the back cafeteria doors.

The creature immediately launched after them, and it took Aquinica a moment to understand her friends were dragging her paralyzed body away as fast as they could from the creature.

"Aquincia move!"

A shock ran through he legs as she got hold of her feet, turning away from the monster barreling down the hallway after her and friends to spring forward.

Why was it targeting them? What did it want? And where the heck did it come from?

Serena was in the front, her swimmer legs obviously benefiting her, the rest of them followed her lead, randomly sprawled behind her and sprinting.

She took a sharp left, her legs lurching underneath her. Again, they all did the same.

Aquinica glanced back .The giant arachnid was still on their tail-its legs slipping haphazardly underneath its gigantic body. The creature was basically a big bug-if only they could squish it so easily like one...

"You guys!" She shouted to the other girls running with her. She hoped they could hear her over the adrenaline pumping in everyone's ears. "Let's go to the pool!"

"What?"Serena shouted back. "Why are we going to the pool?"

"I have a plan! Just trust me- and pray this thing is pretty stupid."

Serena nodded while Fatima and Alicia literally said a prayer.

It wasn't long until they crashed into the pool rooms doors, the spider-like creature a few halls behind. Instinctively they separated to opposite sides of the pool. Serena, Aquinicia on one side-Fatima, Alicia, and Michelle on the other side. Aquinicia grabbed Serena shoulders. "What's your locker combination? Hurry?"

"Huh?" Serena gave a panic looked, as she glanced back at the doors."Why do you-"

"Just trust me!"

Serena gulped." 33-22-34...I think. Locker 24!"

Aquinicia leaped into action. She found locker 24 at the back of the locker room and quickly put in the combination. It didn't budge. Shit. She was the absolute worst at these. What was it-right then left then right...left then right then left? Her second time failed yet again.

"Aquincia hurry!" one of her friends yelled. She didn't have time to decipher who it was.

Okay the third time...Yes! She got in!

Aquincia quickly rifled through Serena's belongings and found her battery powered blow dryer. she turned it on and ran out of the locker room. Just as she excited, the sort of arachnid hurled through the pool room doors. It's eight legs slipped along the wet floors and it tripped over the several diving boards used by the swim team during matches. The creature flipped over and slammed into the deep end of the pool. Perfect.

"Back up!" Aquinicia took this as her chance and used her best arm to throw the hairdryer in the pool. It was a throw the football coach would probably be proud of. As sparks of electricity mixed with water mist the creature thrashed about like it was being tased. It kind of was, Aquinicia thought, and drowned too.

The friends look at the scene until it came to a standstill the monster's legs gone limb.

"Is it dead?" Fatima asked.

"More like barbecued." Alicia snorted. Serena gave her a look of disbelief. "What? It was a good opportunity and I took it."

"Alicia, how is it that we almost died a second ago, and you still have the cognitive ability to be lame?"Aquinicia shook her head. Alicia shrugged.

"You guys,"Michelle skirted along the edge of the pool."Something's not right."

Serena followed her stare. "Ew."

The others watched as the dearly departed creature's body began to foam in the water.

"Does it have rabies or something?" Alicia asked.

"I don't think rabies does that.." Aquincia watched as the body began to brake down into some thick, foreign green liquid. "It's like the body is liquefying itself."

Just like its body parts, the green liquid began to disappear too. Eventually, the pool water turned from the short lived swampy green to original bright blue. The only remant of the archaridnid type creature was in fact a tiny spider floating upside down in the pool. It looked like a common house spider, and was so tiny in fact, that Aquinicia felt sorry for it.

"What just happened?" Fatima stared blankly at the pool surface. The dead spider floating obscurely through the pool.

"I'm not sure." Serena scratched her head. "But someone made sure that thing had one heck of a clean up process."

Sirens sounded from a distance and the girls stared at each other- thinking the exact same thing, "What the hell is going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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