Everything's Okay (Last Chapter)

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*Alex's POV*
The nurse came back and told us Winter didn't want to see Rian, Zach, and me. Jack didn't want to come because he thought she was still mad at him and never wanted to talk to him again. I believe they could make up only if they apologized to each other........
"Hey, Alex are you okay", Zach said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gave him a small nod. He didn't seem to convinced. A nurse came and told us Winter was finally ready to see us. I sprung up and walked fast trying to get to her door first. I knocked on the door earning a "come in."
    "Hey. How are you?" She just shrugged.
    "Where's Jack....I-i want apologize....." Winter stuttered. I just shook my head and gave her a hug.
  "He didn't want to come....he thought you wouldn't let him in." She looked disappointed. We had her stuff so we gave it to her. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number.
   "Hey....yeah it's Win....listen I'm really sorry. I need you down here right now.......please?......why not?.....bu-......J-Jack? Hello.....he hung up. Rian can you go check on him....I-I'm worried." Rian just nodded and went.

*Winter's POV*
What did I do....I'm such a bitch...Jack could be hurting right now because of me. That thought was going through my head over and over. I couldn't handle it. I felt tears sting my eye and I didn't notice they were falling until Zach told me to rub my eyes. I couldn't handle it. I wanted to die........
"Rian's calling." Alex said breaking the silence. "Hello? Hey....is jack ok.....WHAT.....oh my god.......for fucks sake.....okay.....alright....bye. He found Jack trying to hang himself...." I was speechless. It was my fault he tried...it was all my fault. I ripped out my IV and ran to the bathroom with my bag. I always had a razor tucked into a pocket in my bag so if I had to the urge I could feed it. I sliced and sliced, Alex and Zack were banging on the door, soon followed by footsteps running into the room trying to unlock the door. I saw my wrists before everything went black.

*Rian's POV*
I walked into Winter's hospital room with Alex, Zack, and her doctor banging on the bathroom door. Jack followed in close behind me looking horrified. They found a bobby pin in her bag and they unlocked the door with it. She was laying lifeless on the floor. I couldn't believe it. I was crying along with the others, mourning her death.

*Jack's POV*
It's my fault. It's all my fault. She wouldn't be dead if I hadn't said anything. If I hadn't done anything.....I loved her and I miss her more than any of the others will. She was my best friend and I don't think I can live without her. I want to stay strong for the guys but then again I want to crumble into nothingness.

*Zack's POV*
I miss her. I miss her a lot. I knew she had trouble with her past and I knew she was a depressed teenager but I never knew it would go this far..... Jack is trying to stay strong, Rian is mortified, Alex is practically dead, and I just feel like the house isn't fill without her.

*Alex's POV*
She's gone...my bestest friend is gone. I'd never thought I'd say that in my life. Winter was the most beautiful, cheerful, and creative person I've known. I'm dying without here. Each day in eating less and less. Each day I'm getting more and more depressed. I'm having frequent panic attacks and Winter was the only one who knew how to help me. I loved her like a little sister...I never told her that. I can't believe it. She did it because of people and how rude they are. She did have a problem with it and we tried to help and she wouldn't let us. I miss her a lot.

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