Chapter 3

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The silence of sleep was cut through as a loud ringing filled Alice's ears.

She rolled over and fumbled to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Alice mumbled.

"Good morning, Miss Anderson! This is your seven-thirty wake up call."

Alice thought for moment before it came to her that she had the morning shift.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." She placed the phone back on the receiver and forced herself out of bed.

She turned on her small portable radio, fiddling with the knob until a station finally came on.

Soft Cell's Tainted Love played quietly in the background as she got dressed.

Freddie was an early bird.

He let the others take their time getting up, while he skimmed the newspaper.

Once everyone had gotten up and ready, they headed to a diner a couple blocks down the street.

They settled in a booth away from the windows, looking over the menus, hoping this diner would be better than the several they had been to before on the road. Jessie's girl by Rick Springfield played in the distance.

"What'll it be?"

Much to Freddie's pleasure, Alice stood before them.

"I'll have an omele-" John began.

"Darling dear!" Freddie clapped his hands together happily.

The guys looked at each other, to Fred, then to the girl who smiled back at Freddie.

"What is it you're doing here?"

"Oh you know, running about, stealing menus, spilling drinks and mixing up the orders."

Freddie giggled. "You cheeky thing." They smiled at each other a moment longer before she turned her attention to the others.

"Look at you all! They're all wasting away while we chat! We can't have that, now can we?"

They smiled.

"What'll you have?"

She jotted down their orders and went to put them in.

"Oi Fred, was that the girl?"

Alice grabbed the coffee and mugs, as she headed back she was stopped by a fellow waitress.

"Don't those guys have great hair?!" Bonnie squealed.

"Yeah they do." She agreed. "Don't go harassing em' now!"

"Tempting, but they look like a bit of a rowdy group, don't you think?"

"Oh, you have no idea." She laughed.

It amazed her how so many people didn't recognize them. But at the same time she hardly had herself.

Fred twisted around in his seat trying to get comfortable and settled for crossing his legs, kicking poor Brian in the process. To which Brian scowled knowingly.

"Oi keep it in your pants, Fred!"

Freddie gave his classic smile before resting his chin in his hand.

"I can't help it, it's those skirts!"

Alice soon came trotting back their coffee.

Her brows furrowed as she looked down at Freddie.

"You feeling alright, Freddie? You look a bit flushed." To which the boys burst into a fit of giggles.

Freddie's face began to turn red as he began to light a cigarette.

She patted him on the back as she stepped past the table.

"Oh, leave him alone." She teased. "He's already red as a tomato."

She went on her way filling empty coffee mugs and picking up tips.

"I like her already." Roger laughed.

"Yeah, much better than the last ones you went about with." Brain agreed.

"With humor." John put in as he chugged down his cup.

Freddie who was embarrassed enough, kept himself quiet so he wouldn't burst into a fit of laughter.

This morning was becoming all to entertaining.

"Alice! Your break time!" She heard the chef holler.

She placed a couple plates in the sink, before going to wash her hands and sitting down at the bar with a pepsi.

Freddie watched her sit down as another waitress placed down their food in front of them.

"Here you go! Hope everything is good." She began to try make small talk.

He and the guys could care less about her boy problems.

"Darling!" He called out over her, causing the waitress to huff. "Won't you come over here and join us?"

Alice's head popped up from palm before stepping past the flustered waitress and pulling up a chair to the end of their table.

She took a long sip from her soda, watching Freddie pour sugar into his coffee while he smoked.

He looked at her.

"How has your day been so far, love?"

"I'm already spent." She yawned into her hand.

"I bet." Brian said. " How many tables did you clear while we waited?"

"Oh, about eight or nine."

"You're awful fast."

"Just like my mum." She laughed. "What a workaholic she was."

"Was?" Roger asked concern.

"No, no. She's just retired now. Lives down in one of the warmer places, near the borders of Arizona and New Mexico.

"Sounds nice." John said as he took a bite out of omelet.

"Nah, you can at least see the mountains here and get a bit of snow. Pfffft." She laughed. "Who am I kidding , I adore warm weather. Hot even."

"Mmm, nice thing about traveling." Freddie agreed.

"I think I would like to visit India one day."

"Oh yes, quite a beautiful country with wonderful people."

"Yeah, the cultu-"

"Alice your break is up!" Interrupted a voice.

He watched her stand to go, taking her pepsi with her.

"Well, duty calls. I'll see you guys around."

Freddie was sad to see her go, but happy to watch her walk away.

Even the others had noticed he was quite smitten with this girl.

Forever my Shining Star (Freddie Mercury - Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ