(1) The New Life

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Dr. Rose smiled at Charlotte and Ryan, continuing her check up on them. I sat patiently. I wasn't with Harry, he wasn't with me. He was travelling in America, rounding up fans and living a life style I would like to, too, in a perfect world.

But I wouldn't change anything right now.

"Looks like they're perfectly healthy, although you may want to make sure Charlotte watches exactly what she puts in her mouth." She laughed, swinging the stethoscope back around her neck.

Charlotte whined when Dr.Rose took the Popsicle stick away from her, and Ryan looked at her like she was an alien. That only made me laugh once again. i stood up, taking both Charlotte and Ryan into my arms. It was the twenty seventh of October, which wouldn't be anything usually, except it was the twin's fourth month being in this world.

"I will," I laughed "Thank you Dr. Rose." I smiled, adjusting my hold on the twins before taking them over to the stroller. It was the one Harry had preordered for when the twins were supposed to be born.

There I go again, feeling the dreadfulness of saying good bye to him at the airport. Why couldn't I had been selfish at that moment? Why hadn't I just told Harry I wanted - no needed him to stay with me. Instead, I face the reports bursting on the magazines of him every where I go. There's some where I enjoy reading about, such as the headlines 'New Heartthrob Harry Styles?!' and'Harry Styles: New, Big Icon'Then, there's 'Harry's Rumored Girlfriend', 'The No-Longer Single Styles!'

My worries pile up every time. What if, what if it was true? What if that wasn't a photo shopped picture? Or, is that blonde chick really who he's been snogging?

Hopefully, I'm wrong every time.

The stroller seems a bit heavier today, I swear they're growing up too fast on me. I just can't believe he's missing all of this. The beginning of their lives, the part where I feel lonely without him.

But I can't hold him back. If he wants that kind of life, aren't I supposed to be happy for him?

I feel a little selfish because I don't know the answer to that.


I turn around, keeping a steady hold on the stroller.

"Lucy!" I laugh as she tackles me into a hug. It's been a few weeks since I've seen her, she was taking courses in Uni' to become an editor in books, so she hasn't been working at the book store lately.

"Girl, I've missed you!" She shouts in my ear, pulling back with a beaming smile.

I've always been envious of her. Golden curls, a flawless smile, a perfect figure. I'm surprised she actually works at my book store when she could, any day, be a model!

"How's University treating you?" I turned away to check on the kiddos, they're eyes dropping sleepily.

"It's tough, real tough. But I'm tough too." She winked, chuckling lightly afterwards as she peaked behind me. "These little kids enough to handle?" She gushed, walking over to them and mouthing an 'aww'.

"Surprisingly not that bad. Minus the constant crying at night, always heading into a dangerous scenario, and feeding about 24/7 too." I rolled my eyes jokingly, but joined her in looking at Lottie and Ry.

"You know, Charlotte oddly looks a lot like you. Ryan - I feel like I know who he takes after but it's kind of hard to figure out JUST who." She squinted her eyes at the baby boy with his hands above his head, sleeping.

"Good luck with that. There's only a numerous amount of people he could take after. " I mumbled, shameful of my stupid actions.

She looked up, shaking her head towards me. Even if I was slightly taller than her, the look on her face was more intimidating.

"No, no, no. Listen here missy, don't ever put yourself down like that. Even if it was reckless, look at the two angels you have now. They're perfect."

I knew what she said was true. They were angels, they were perfect, and they were my babies. And I couldn't ever want to give them away, That seemed impossible.

"I know." I answered simply, smiling towards her.

"Now, I've gotta go get some books I desperately need for a new course. If you ever need help with these two lil' munchkins, I'm here for you, okay?" She said sincerely, pulling me in for a another hug.

Lucy was my bestfriend, the person I turned to for help. Hearing those words only made me feel a bit more better about feeling lonely.

Once we finished our embrace, she waved once more to me and quickly headed in the opposite direction. Her green polo shirt reminded me of someone, someone funny, blonde, and impeccably care free.

Niall & I had been getting more friendly lately. He absolutely loved the little twins, and was over at least once a week to baby sit for me when I had work. It was like he was there for me when Harry wasn't, just like someone named Liam had been too.

Ever since seeing him after the twins were born, it's been like he's ignoring me. It's weird, really. I call him, he doesn't pick up. We see each other in person only coincidentally, and he never meets my eyes, saying he has to go.

But the weirdest thing; when I'm around him and I mention the kids, he becomes stiff, even more awkward then before.

All of this attitude towards me just doesn't make any sense; I miss Liam.

As soon as we get in the door of our flat, I take the sleepy twins out and set them in their cribs, making sure to give them a kiss on their foreheads. Once I close the door over as quiet as I can try, the startling sound of the phone nearly knocks me off my feet.

"Hello?" I answer, getting steady on my feet after running to get the phone.

"Sophie." He says, his voice giving me a second to catch my breath.


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