(7) Farewell to the Past

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so the last chapter had quite the emotional ending. picking up from there's going to be hard, but i'll give it what i can. thank you all so much for reading.

and you're all very lucky - two chapters in one day!

perhaps some comments/votes would be carefully appreciated by, moi? xo


"I was too busy chasing my dream when I had all I ever dreamed about.. here." The tone to his voice was soft when he spoke.

His words were something that sounded cliche and cheesy. But they were real, even, as I looked up in his eyes. The couch wasn't as comfortable as one person would think, but it felt comfortable with him.

My own voice sounded relaxed, even with the questions I wanted to ask "Is that a quote from a book?"

The corners of his lips turned up into a small grin, his eyes now looking through the layers of eye lashes he had.

"It's a quote from me, if that's what you're asking." He said.

Even though I was suspicious about it, I didn't ask if it truly was. If it wasn't, the words were still meaningful. He had been saying things like that for a while now. Things like "If you don't want to be with me, just say it, because I'd rather the truth than the lie.", or "If I could go back and change what I did, I would."

I wanted to forget that any of that had happened. But would I have rather had it so I never knew? Never even thought that cheating was a reality? Being lied to, as Harry's quote had said, or being told the truth?

A simple lie - that's all he would have to do. Never share it with me, never tell me, and keep on living this life as if nothing was going on.

Some part of me didn't think a person like Harry would consider such an option. Inside, he was a person with weaknesses and strengths. He was beautiful.

He sat up rather quickly, unwrapping his arms from around my shoulders. It was surprising to see that when he had first done the careful embrace, that it didn't feel wrong. You would think that his arms wouldn't feel right anymore. But, they felt fine.

"I need to know something, first." His hand lazily ran through his hair, and I could almost see the nervousness written on his face.

It made me nervous, but I sat up too. He took one of my hands in his, putting it palm down. This made me confused, until I saw what he was looking at.

The ring, carefully nestled on my ring finger. The three jewels were gleaming. Still new looking, and pretty. Where he looked, my skin felt inflamed. Maybe it was because he was looking. Or, maybe it was the ring itself.

"You still have it," He whispered

He squeezed his eyes shut briefly, and pain hit me like a boulder. A tiny wrinkle appeared by his eyebrows, and then another as he opened them again.

"Of course I do." I mumbled, taking my other hand to hold his.

He looked deep in though, staring down at my couch until raising his head. Instead of a pain expression, he almost seemed... hopeful.

"I need to know something, something that I need from you." He began, rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb. I could hear every syllable in his voice, only because of how slow he was going. "I need to know if you're willing to make this work. If you can forgive everything I've done wrong. Because if you're not, then I'm out the door. You don't ever have to see my face again, if you want. I don't deserve you, Sophie. I never will. You deserve someone better-"

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