(5) Interesting

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"Sophie." He said, his voice full of relief.

I had no idea what to say, or where to start. How could I trust myself to talk if I didn't know what I was going to say? The silence was awkward, and unpleasant. I hated it. I hated how neither of us were saying anything, when we used to have the hour long conversations, talking about anything and everything in between.

"Harry. I-I just want to talk. About-"

"I already know what.." He said grimly into the phone. I squeezed my eyed shut, focusing on the thought that maybe we could fix this.

"Really? If so, then please explain to me." My voice sounded angry, but really I was just sad, hollow. Even disappointed.

His breath was the only audible noise, and right before my fingers were about to click the end button, his shaky voice came.

"I'm an idiot, Sophie. I'm surprised you're even calling me because I'll never deserve you. You deserve someone who can be there for you, who can stay with you and not leave you on the other side of the world, who won't-" He paused, silence on the other end. " - who won't cheat on you." He whispered.

I didn't feel shock, or even more hatred. Maybe somewhere along the way, I accepted that he had done it. That no miracle could prove it wrong, or some spite of luck. It was true, and somewhere along the way I accepted that it was.

My fingers curled around my blackberry, my vision becoming blurred. Impossible, it seemed, that I could cry anymore tears.

"I really thought we were perfect." I broke, before I could even think about saying it. The air that had been suffocating me felt suddenly lifted, like getting something off my chest.

"We were. I just screwed up. But I love you, don't even fucking question that. I love you more than you think. I know this will probably look like an excuse, but I was so.." He breathed in slowly, " alone. Management wouldn't let me come, they said 'But think of all the girls here that need you!' but they're wrong. I don't care about them, I only care about you. If you want me, I'll come back today. I'll book the next flight, and I don't care about first class or any of that shit. Because you,"

He spoke. and I was utterly surprised at his words, "are the only thing I need."



The channels on the TV weren't anything good. Again. Just countless channels either doing a documentary on squids - which I had already watched - or the shopping channel. Neither of those seemed like a good choice. Lately, nothing seemed like a good idea.

But, their was an exception.

Instantly, the phone seemed to be calling me forward, to pick up the phone and dial Sophie's number. But i knew I couldn't face her again. I couldn't look her in the eye and lie to her continuously. Maybe that was the rudest thing to do to her, and instead I should tell her exactly what I know.

"Liam! Cheeccckk her ouuuutt!" Niall howled, pointing to a cute brunette dancing with a few other girls. She seemed to shine out against everyone else. Curly brown hair swinging back and forth, a curvy body that went so well with her glittery silver dress. Really, she was pretty.

"She's pretty." I commented, picking up my glass and chugging it down halfway. It was true, even if I couldn't see her very well.

Harry eyed me, before taking another shot. As always, he was the one to drink the most. He sighed dramatically, before looking at me again.

"Why don't you go take a proper look at her, Liam?" he grinned, sitting up in his seat. "It'll help with forgetting Dani."

I considered his offer, looking once again to the dance floor. She had curly brown hair, just how I liked it. He was right.

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