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pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeee comment who you're in favor of? are you hoping sophia will accept that liam's the father? or, do you want her to be horrifed he is?

do you ship liam+sophia or are you all Soparry/Sarry/Hophia ?

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It had been one entire week. It seemed a blur. Harry was staying with us. He was, adorable with the twins. But they didn't know him, really. They didn't know who he was, but I could tell Ryan truly liked him, what with the clapping he did when he saw him and the cute little grin on his baby face.

Up to this point, I could safely say Harry and I were doing well. I didn't know what I'd expected, anyhow. I wasn't a person who would scream, yell, hate people for their mistakes. Harry was no exception.

He still slept on the couch. It was funny, really, since he was now a pop star and could afford fancy hotels. Most people pictured him in fluffy pillows and feather down blankets nearly suffocating him. No, no even when I said it was alright if he wanted to, he wouldn't. He would just say 'I don't deserve it'.

There was one thing I hadn't told him. Hadn't bothered to mention to him.

Liam, and his odd phone call. Was it even true? It wasn't a funny joke. Kidding around about being the father of the little angels wasn't at all funny.

Could this be even possible? I mean, it was stupid that I really had been drunk out of my mind. I was a stupid girl. I am a stupid person. If Liam really, really is the father...

I can't imagine anything. I can't even think about what this would do to everything I thought was fine. Harry and I - what would we be anymore? A couple, even after I have his best mate's children? It didn't seem possible, either.

"Me!" Charlotte startled me, clasping her hands in the air.

I laughed, bending over to kiss her nose. That nose, it was as cute as a button. That nose. I froze, my brain swirling in my head. Same curve, slightly wide and wider when she smiled. That was Liam's nose.

It was true, even if I didn't know it myself. The more I looked at her baby cheeks, the almond shaped eyes that reminded me so much of him.

That-That was all Liam. Maybe you couldn't see how she looked like him, because you were thinking of someone else. Liam probably stayed away because he was afraid that if I looked just a little closer, I would see it. The true resemblance. Liam was right. He was... right.

The tiny details in her face made something in my mind burn brightly, like a candle lighting others. This tiny little candle flickering let me see something, even if it was barely anything. An image, from the night I really met Liam. He had been wearing a black v-neck, and his hair was disheveled and dangerously good looking. There, on his face, he held a growing grin. My mind was showing me a tiny clip of a documentary. A documentary of how I truly met Liam. But then it was gone, just like a flash.

And I cried. When Harry came racing into the room, towel wrapped around his waist and a consistent, worried expression on his face, I didn't know what else to do but cry even more. I couldn't tell him. I didn't know how.

"Sophie, please say something."

She didn't look at me when I said anything. Her eyes were avoiding mine on purpose, which only made me worrisome.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." She finally said.

Confused, I replied to her only sentence. "I'm not sure what you mean."

Predictable // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now