(3)Liar, Liar

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He stared, then a confused expression crossed his features, before the emotion suddenly was washed out.

"Of course," Taylor began, "I mean, I should have asked, and of course you have a boyfriend. All the pretty ones do, don't they?"

My fingertips felt a little numb, the exasperated feeling of being kissed by someone who wasn't Harry leaving me a little breathless.

"No, I mean I should have told you. It just, never came.. never came up. I'm sorry, Taylor." I face palmed myself mentally, feeling the utter amount of guilt resting on my shoulders.

What would Harry think if he had saw that, or what would he think when I had to tell him? I couldn't, no it was wrong to think of hiding it from him. He - he wouldn't do that to me..would he?

"It's fine, we'll just forget the whole thing." He didn't seem like he wanted to, but he fixed a smile towards me, even in the dim light the shadows casted light over the angles on his face. He truly was a good looking guy, and he seemed like he had his life all together.

Taylor seemed like someone my parents would have approved of.

The rest of the night, the storm continued on and Taylor continued telling jokes, as if nothing had happened between us. Maybe it was better to just forget the kiss. It was harmless, it seemed, and if a harmless kiss happened, that meant it wasn't harmless towards a relationship. Particularily Harry & I's relationship.

Even as I continued nodding to him, I could still remember Harry's kisses. They were different from Taylor's. His was gentle and smooth, while Harry's balmy lips glided over mine, but had so much passion in them.

I shouldn't be comparing their kisses, but it seemed inevitable.

When I didn't hear any funny tales coming from his mouth, I  glanced over to see he had fallen asleep, his eyes closed and his mouth pressed in a thin line. He looked distraught, as if he was having a nightmare.

I shook it off, remembering that Harry was on the other side of the world right now, claiming to miss me more than ever. I did miss him more than ever, too. Just thinking of how many miles we were apart, how many waves and how many cities, and people. Too much, it seemed.

Ryan's sudden stirring startled me, and I quietly looked up to see he had gotten up and was looking down at me through the bars of his crib. His curious gaze rested on me, then his eyes followed to Taylor resting.

Somehow, I knew that my little boy Ryan would be a genius to wonder as to why this man was in our apartment, sleeping. I couldn't tell him the answer, either.

The storm had ended about a half an hour ago, the darkness outside saying it must be around midnight or so. Ryan had curled up to the side of the crib, his eyes drooping as he watched the flickering candles, their light crossing paths on the walls.

Just as Ryan had fallen asleep from the lights, I soon followed after, feeling the heaviness on my eyes and my thoughts becoming fuzzy. Sleep had come, and I welcomed it.



I was in a dress, and surrounding me was the color of white. White flowers, sparkling cream colored floors and my own dress. It glittered with tiny jewels placed on the corset part of it, until spreading out flamboyantly into simple cashmere silk. Pretty.

The rooms had tiny portraits of my family on them, or what was left of it. There was my brother, and his wife, grinning in the photo while holding up their dog. Next to it, a shelf held an army of books, all covered in white leather cases, tied with sparkly ribbons. Everything was white, except for the colorful photos surrounding me, and the black mirror ahead of me, showing a girl with a frightened expression on her face, except she was so much smaller.

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