Survey Corps and a Vampire

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Moka was so confused. "How are we in the year 850, that's not possible."she told the strange girl.
"Look, if you want more info and get your friends some help then come with me."she said whistling for her horse. It came running to her. Then the girl pulled out a gun and shot a purple smoke signal.
In minute, two boys came in horse back.
"Hey Mikasa....woah....who are these people. "Said the blonde boy.
"Oh...I'm ugh...Moka and this yukari.."Moka said hesitantly. "I'm Armin and this is.."
"Why are you dressed like that?"Interrupted the brunette boy.
Moka looked down at her clothing. She didn't know what was wrong with them.
"That's not the biggest issue right know Eren! We need get these people back to wall rose before more Titans start to appear."Mikasa declared.
In about two minutes, Eren, Armin and Mikasa had the Youki students seated steadily on the horses since most were still out. Eren had Mizore and Kurumu. Armin had a cheery Yukari and Mikasa had Moka and Tskune. They headed back to the survey corps formation heading back towards the wall.

15 minutes later...

They all arrived to the wall. Yukari looked in amazement at the giant wall in front of her. Moka was also in awe. They made it through the gate and into a city. Moka looked around at all the people gathering around. She noticed the all looked rafter poor and not very modern.
"So, where are we going?"she asked Mikasa.
"We are heading to our HQ were we can question you."she said facing forward.
Yukari was looking at all the people coming in with her. They all had green cloaks and all had depressed looks on their faces.
"Hey Armin, what are you guys? I mean, are you like soldiers?"she asked.
"Sort of, we are the survey corps. So we go out on expeditions outside the walls to kill Titans."he responded.
"Titans?"she said quietly. She then heard people on the streets calling out.
Hey, their back....
Guess they lost more people today....
Their goes are heroic survey corps....
Tch, they all just wanna get themselves killed...

yukari was in shock at what people said. She looked back at her unconscious friends. "I hope we can go back school soon.."she thought to herself.


The expedition finally arrived at the huge castle which was the HQ. Mizore, Kurumu and Tskune were taken to the infirmary were they were to be treated. Moka and Yukari waited on their bed sides hoping for them to wake up soon.
The door opened. Their stood a tall blonde man with thick eyebrows.
"Hello, my name is Ewrin Smith, commander of the Scouts..may I ask for your names?"he asks politely.
Moka and Yukari looked at each other and nodded.
"I'm Yukari Sendo"
"I'm Moka Akashyia, we do t really know where we are or how we got here. We come from a different time I guess, you can see from out clothing."she said gesturing to he school uniforms.
"I can see. Well, hopefully your friends will awaken soon and we will give you a tour around and lighten you up on where you are."he said calmly and left he room.
"Ughhh...what..oh my head."moaned a tired Kurumu. She sat up on her bed.
Soon Mizore and Tskune woke up and sat on their beds.
"Ugh.Wait. Where are we? Moka, what's going on?" Asked Tskune standing up.
"Don't freak out, but I think we traveled dimensions or time.."she said a bit hesitantly.
All three looked at her if she was crazy.
"Now you lost it Moka.."said Mizore.
"She's not lying guys. This pace is totally wack! We are not in Youki academy!" Yukari said
"What!??"cried Kurumu standing up. "But, where at we then?"
The door opened up again. It was Mikasa.
"Oh hi, i can see your friends are awake."said Mikasa smiling.
"Yep, hey u was wondering if you could give us a tour of the castle." Moka said cheerfully.
"Sure, follow me." Said Mikasa. Everyone walked out he infirmary and walked outside.
"This is were we train in hand to hand combat and ODM gear. "
"What's that?" Asked Tskune.
"It's the gear we use to maneuver around to kill Titans." Mikasa rsspinded.
"Titans?!??"asked a scared Kurumu.
"That's what we have been fighting for years. Human eating monsters that run freely. We have walls that protect us from them but it's not enough. We kill those creatures or any monster that threatens human kind. "Bathe said clenching her fist.
"Human eating monsters.... But we don't eat hu.."Moka clasped her hand over kurumu's mouth. "Can you give us a second."she said walking backwards with her group.
They walked a few feet away form Mikasa to talk quietly.
"Guys, we can't let them know we are monsters...they will think we are spies of drakes and will try to kill us!!"said Yukari.
"Your right, we better keep this quiet."agreed Mizore.
"Ya, but don't we think we should help them. You guys are monsters that can probably kill those Titan things no problem."said Tskune.
"But their humans, they haven't seen anything like us before Tskune, they might reject us.."said a sad Moka.
"We have to try..."said Tskune.
They all walked back to Mikasa and tell her their secret.
"Mikasa, we need to tell you something.."said Tskune.
"WhAt is it?"she asked.
"We.....are not from here.."
"I can see by you clothing."
Tskune couldn't do it. He was struck.
Moka slowly breathed and decided just to say it..
"WE ARE FROM A SCHOOL FOR MONSTERS!"she cried. It became very silent. Everyone outside turns sand looked at the new people.
"Crap..."said Tskune. Moka just turned red from embarrassment.

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