Hunger and a Vampire

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Moka was walking with Mizore down to the mess hall.
"Hey Moka, I just realized something."said Mizore. Moka glanced at her.
"What is it?" She asked.
"When was the last time you sucked Tskune's blood?"she asked Moka.
Moka blushed a bit.
"I don't really know. But know that you mention it, it's been a while."she said chuckling. It was true. Moka really wanted his blood. It was sweet and tasty for her.
They finally reached the mess hall where They sat with their friends.
"Hey Tskune."said Moka sitting next to him.
"Oh hi Moka."replied Tskune.
"Um, Tskune, can I ask you something?she said a hesitant.
"Sure what is it?" He said.
"I was wondering if I could.."
"HEY TSKUNE!!!"yelled a cheery Kurumu who hugged him from behind.
"HEY, do you wanna see me train today?!? Please!!!"she asked.
"Uh okay..."said Tskune. Kurumu grabbed him and ran outside.
Moka was left speechless. She missed her chance and sighed.


Tskune had been with Kurumu for about an hour. Moka went outside to see how he was doing. And to also sneak in a snack.
"Hey Tskune."greeted Moka.
"Hey Moka, what are doing out here?"he asked.
"Well I was kind of wondering if I could,"
"Hey Tskune!"interrupted Armin.
"Oh hi Armin, what's up?"
"The commander would like to have a talk with you if your not to busy."he said.
"That wouldn't be a problem."
He liked up at Moka.
"Sorry Moka I got to go."he apologies and left a irritated Moka.
"I can't believe it....again..."she sighed.

2 hours later.

Moka's hunger was becoming annoying. She could have just gotten something from the mess hall, but she needed blood. Tskunes blood.
"Why can't I just be with Tskune just for a minute."she said sighing.
"I guess I should just grab something's to eat."
She walked right into the mess hall where Tskune and half of the scouts crowding around him.
Moka was now really mad.
"So Tsukne, how did you defeat that werewolf guy?"asked Petra.
"And also that ogre?"said Jean.
"Wait a minute guys, I didn't really beat all those guys it was..... Ahh! MOKA!" He screamed terrified.
Everyone turned around to see a very angry Moka. She looked so angry flames were around her.
"Tskune..."she Allen over to him.
"Moka, what did I do wrong!?!? Please don't hurt me!"he pleaded.
Moka slowly began to calm down and liked down with embarrassment. "I guess it's now o never."she thought.
"Tskune..."she said quietly.
She then jumped out at him and stopped her arms around his neck.
"I can't resist any longer!!!"she cried and then punctured her fangs into his neck.
Everyone was in horror.
"What's going on in here?" Said Levi walking into the scene. Everyone was in horror running around.
"Tskune is getting his blood drained!!"cried Olou.
Moka finally finished and blushed.
"That was better."she said.
Tskune was a bit dazed but was okay. Moka had finally gotten her snack and was very happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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