Spider and a Vampire

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The whole group slept in the mess hall. Tskune was fast asleep until he heard crawling sounds. He woke up slowly, but nothing was their until..
"Well hello...funny to run into you here ...human"said a sly voice from the ceiling.
"Oh SHIT!"cried Tskune. It was that spider monster that worked for the security committee.
"How'd you'd get here?!?!cried. Tskune.
Everybody woke up and saw the spider.
"I happened to be at the school when the earthquake began and wound up here. Now....time for you to die!!!!" She cried sending her spider string at Tskune.
"Oh no you don't!!!"yelled Kurumu who quickly grabbed him and crashed out of the window and into the air.
All the girls jumped out the window trying to escape.

In Erens room

Eren began to hear noises outside and slowly woke up. He looked out his window to see the girls and Tskune fighting this ...giant spider?
"I better get down there and call the commander."he said and changed as fast as the could and ran down the hallway.
He mad it to the commanders office and ran in.
"Commander, something is occurring outside. You better come see!"he yelled and ran out. Ewrin decided to run after him and ran outside witnessing the fight.

Moka was standing guard of Tskune while the other three fought the spider. Then the spiders three minions appeared and turned into their monster forms and began to fight.
"Did you all get weak of something, or are just holding back?"mocked the spider.
"Ugh. What's happening, we can't beat her."said Mizore.
Kurumu dodged another spider string but then fell into a huge spider web.
"Ahh! Get me out."cried Kurumu.
Moka was about to go and help but Tskune tried to stop her.
"Moka don't.."he began to say but tripped and tried to grab on to something. Moka turned around and he grabbed her rosary and tore it off!
The spider turned around and saw the whole thing.
"Oh no, not this again."
A bright red light appeared on Moka as she began to transform.
Ewrin and Eren covered their eyes since it was to bright.
After a few seconds they uncovered and saw bats on Moka.
"What is going on?"asked Ewrin.
"I don't know...I think she's turning into her monster form.."he answered.
The bats began to fly away revealing Moka, but her true self. Her inner vampire. She had long sliver hair and red cat pupils and a huge monster aura. Her breasts were a bit bigger and her waist slimmer. This was the legendary S-Class super monster.
"Hey can you get me out!"called Kurumu. Moka looked up.
"No I won't. You can get out on your own."she said sternly.
Eren was in shock. She was a completely different Moka.
"Fine, maybe it I could just.."said Kurumu trying to break free.

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it ends with a video but I will have more duff next chapter!!!

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