Chapter Three

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Sorry if this chapter sucks... I wrote it right after I published 'Hiding'

Andy's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes right after Chris walked out of my room. I guess he was leaving. I looked out my window because I heard the loud footsteps of him right next to the front door. I saw paparazzi here, maybe he saw them too. I already know what they've been saying. I walked out side my door and stood there for a few minutes. I heard Chris scream into his phone I'm guessing.

"You Idiot!" he screamed. I started making my way to the stairs. I was going to listen to what he said but then I heard another voice.

-What did I do?- the voice questioned.

"You let leak that I've been hanging out with Andy." Chris says angrily.

-No I didn't, I told a few fans you were just friends, nothing more. Unless there is more going on?- He replies angrily

"No, there isn't. Then tell me, why is there paparazzi outside of Andy's house?" He says fumingly.

-I don't know that one.- he replied. Chris didn't say anything but he hung up. I walked down the stairs, trying to stop the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"Andy whats wrong?" Chris asked, standing up.

"Don't come near me I want you to leave." I said fighting more tears that were coming.

"But Andy... Whats your rush in me leaving?" He asks clearly upset.

"I have ears you know, maybe turn your speaker off idiot! GET OUT!!" I shout at him. When he refused to leave, I grabbed him roughly and pulled him to the front door. I pushed him out, not caring about the paparazzi. He turned to look at me, I slammed the door. I leaned against the door and slid down. I put my head in my knees and started crying. So all this time with Chris has been a game for him. I feel so used. I got up and walked to my room. I layed down in my bed and turned Batman on. about half an hour went by and I got a text.

-Andy I'm sorry, Can I come over next weekend?-

-No. I'm busy. Besides, we are only friends so we can reschedule if needed.- I replied. I kind hoped he would but at the same time I didn't want him right now.

-Andy! That's not fair! What do you want me to do? Tell everyone that we are in fact going out- He replied. I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

-Go ahead, you'll just deny it later! I should never have gone out with you! I don't want to talk to you anymore!- I replied, by this time I was completely crying.

-Fine I will! I will say that I love you everyday! Every hour I'm awake.- He replied, I could barely reading it through my tears. A second later I got a twitter notification from Chis, about how he loves me. He texted me a second later.

-Andy, please talk to me. I even tweeted it. What else do I have to do? I love you.- I read his text and cried harder. After five minutes i replied.

-I don't believe you.- It hurt to say this. I don't know how much longer I can put up with him. I don't want to go running back to him, and feel like an idiot the next time he decides to go hurt me or deny me like that.

-I understand... I guess goodbye, if you really want me gone. I guess that also makes you a liar.- He replied. I turn my phone off in-case he texts me.

~Next day~

I mad myself breakfast and barely ate any of it. I turned my phone one, and i got several messages on twitter. Asking about if I love him back. I didn't reply to any of them. I saw that Chis had tweeted a little. Once every hour say he loved me. I didn't tweet anything. I got up from my table and put the food that I didn't eat away. I walk back upstairs and  watched a sad movie. I have never felt so low and used. I don't know whether I should Invite him over or not. No, I shouldn't. I cried at the end of the movie and fell asleep. I woke up several hours later and texted Ashley.

He never replied so I got more sad. My band probably didn't want to talk to me. I checked my twitter and it was full again. mostly Chris just saying he loved me. I got a message from a fan of ours.

-Honestly, I ship you and Chris. I would be heart broken if you didn't return Chris' feelings, but that's up to you. I'm not saying you have to but If you love him, the way he loves you, go for him. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, as long as you love each other.-

I grew a pair and said the words I've wanted to say since I kicked Chris out. But I only told her.

-Thank you for the support. Don't tell anyone, but I do love him, just as much as he loves me I think. I don't want to let anyone stand in the way. The only problem is, I'm afraid to text him and tll him or call, because it just feels like a joke right now, and I don't want to be hurt again.- i replied quickly and fell back asleep.

When I woke up I checked to see if I got a message from the girl, and I did.

-I don't think this is a joke. If it is, Chris is really good at pulling pranks. Tell him how you feel, I don't think hes going to hurt you.- I smiled to myself. This girl gives me hope.

~Later sometime~

I got up and out of my bed and pulled something to wear from my dresser. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my stairs. I walked down them to my kitchen. I ate quickly and then I went to my car. I got into it and drove away from my house. I was sick of being there. I drove and drove until I stopped in-front of Chris' house. I pulled into the driveway and sat in my car for a minute. I got out and walked to the door. I was scared. I knocked on the door. Chris opened the door a second later. I walked in as soon as I saw him. I pulled him into the longest hug ever. He shut the door again and didn't hug me back.

"What are you doing here!?" He yelled at me. I shrank back from him. What the Hell is up with his attitude?

"I came to see you." I whisper.

"Whatever. Can you leave. I don't want to be seen by anyone." he says.

"No!" I shout and tackle him to the floor. I kissed him hard on the mouth. I missed the taste of his soft lips. He didn't kiss me back. I was shocked that he wasn't. He started struggling.

"Andy get off of me!" he shrieked. I didn't get off, instead I pinned his hands above his head. I started planting kisses down his neck. He moaned, I knew he liked it. I moved one of my hand to his junk and started groping him. He moaned again. I slip my hand inside his pants and stroked him. I kissed him again while stroking him.

"I'm so sorry I kicked you out. Please forgive me?" I ask between kissed. He moaned. I removed my other hand from his wrists and slid it down the back of his pants. Its been so long that I've done this to him. I missed him. I kissed him harder, and he finally kissed me back. I flipped him over and pulled down his pants. He turned to face me. Not his whole body just his shoulders and his head.

"Get off of me. Dont touch me." he said calmly.

I reached out to touch his face. He cant mean it. Just then I felt a cold hand against my face. I look at him in shock.

"What the hell Chris!" I shout at him. He pulled his pants back up and shrugged.

"I told you not to touch me." He stated flatly.

He started walking away. I thought he had forgiven me! Chris walked away. I followed him. I think he noticed in the hallway right outside his bedroom door.

"Why are you following me? Can you leave?" I stood there shocked for a second. This hurt. I followed him all the way into his bedroom. His room smell insanly gross. Like he hadnt moved for a really long time. It was starting to put tears in my eyes. I shut his door quietly and locked it. I walked over to his window and shut the curtains, not letting anymore light into the room.

"Chris can you come here for a second?" I asked, he started walking to me. His footsteps were small, frightened like. I turned to face him.

"I'm sorry for this Chris." I whisper and punch him. 

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