Chapter 10- Notorious criminal.

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Hey friends. How are you all? How's the story going so far? Just comment below after completing this chapter. Actually I have to correct something. Miss khadija's name has been changed to miss khady and hope you all won't be confused.

Bye for now. EnJoy reading...<3 <3..

I froze as I turned and my eyes met with my friends standing. Miss Khady was glaring at them with a venomous look. They squirmed uncomfortably under her piercing glare.

"What were you girls thinking of yourselves? Did you think that you were in a park? Or did it look like? I could hear your shouts from the boys wings corridor. ANSWER ME. " she yelled. But to her satisfaction no answer came and the girls who were being yelled at looked down.

She turned to me with a bloodshot eyes and I wished that I would have been swallowed by the ground. "Why are you late Maiza?" She asked in a cold voice which was more dangerous and a shiver ran down my spine.

"I.. I.... " I stammered unable to complete my sentence. What reason could I possibly give her?

She said me to enter the class. "Is that all your books in your hand?" She asked pointing at the books which I was holding and emphasizing that very well knowing the answer herself. It's pure torture to ask something one already knows.

I looked down at my books and looked back at her. She was still staring at me expecting an answer.

"It's their books" I said timidly gesturing with my head towards my friends who were already in more than trouble. I bowed my head in distress for letting my friends down.

"And why were you holding their books?" She again asked in a hissing voice.

This time I chose silence over an answer she would be mad at. Truly I was just trying to help them.

"Don't they have hands to carry it themselves." She asked in a deep voice making me feel more vulnerable. Dude I was only trying to help. Not murder. But right now she sounded like helping was such a bad thing. Seriously I didn't know my brainless friends were planning on a race down the two corridors which reached our class from the Islamic class.

She still stared at me for an answer and all I gave her was an awkward silence.

"You students are pathetic. This is the worst class I ever had to deal with in my teaching carrier. Look at the students of 8A. So obedient and good in studies. And look at my class!! Just 3 months into academic year and you've got like dozens of complaints. Not only these girls. The full class!! Except for few students. Every time a complaint comes up, it's about a different girl. " miss Khady said with a wave of hand. She face palmed herself and sat down heaving with all the shouting. And she continued again , but now turning all her attention to Wafa who stood rigid. "And you Wafa" she pointed a accusing finger at her, "is been caught more than once for your behavior. You are Jamshed's sister right. How come he is so good and you are the exact opposite.? Usually it's the boys. But in your case its a girl." She again heaved a sigh shaking her head truly fed up with Wafa. Wafa looked at all her standing friends and they returned a pathetic look. When she looked at me I gave an amused look which made the corner of her lip twitch into a small smile. And yeah she has a brother who was in tenth. I didn't know he was in the good books of the teacher. I was surprised at that discovery. Quickly we both turned our faces from each other and wore that grim expression once more. Miss Khady turned to Wafa again and screamed " you .. you.. you are notorious criminal" wait. what did she just say? She called Wafa, imin one of her student ... notorious.. notorious.... oh my godd.. she said 'NOTORIOUS CRIMINAL'. No she called some one and that some one is her student. How can she? Weren't teachers supposed to be role models to their students.? Or did that policy change?

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