Chapter 13 - The bird found it's toilet.

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The next day when I went to class a shocking news awaited me.

My bus reached late, thanks to the National paints traffic. Normally I would be more than happy to miss my first period if the bus was late. But today my instincts said that something was bound to take place in the starting of the class and I didn't want to miss it.

To top it all, when I was stepping out of the bus I almost tripped over but landed on my hands and knees.
I got up as if nothing happened and walked away only that my face was red with embarrassment and I guess the conductor was trying his best to hide the laughter.

I ran to the class taking the shortest way which if it was possible and ran up the stairs to the second floor where our class was. The first bell had gone which means the class teachers will be in the class and the class must be conducting assembly and the attendance follows it. There's a second bell which is the starting of the first period and the subject teachers take place in the classes.

As I entered the class ,I could sense the tension in the air. Seems like the attendance and assembly all got over. Before entering I asked miss Khady permission and she answered in affirmative.

"Why are you late?" she questioned in her stern voice.

"Ma'am the bus was late." I answered. Such a good excuse. No, it's the truth. This is the only excuse when the student will not be blamed. The driver will be blamed. Otherwise if it was a own transport student being late, goshh, she is gone. Better meet her in the symmetry. Ok that's a bit of exaggeration but literally the poor fellow will wish to be there.

She just nodded hearing my answer and I proceeded to my seat beside Aiza.

"Wassup ? What's with all these tension?" I asked her very heavy backpack off my back and dumping it on my chair. She just shrugged her shoulder and pointed towards miss Khady who was slowly rising from her chair.

"Where is Fahima, Sameera and Juvana?" Miss Khady called out coming and standing in front of her desk.

"Ma'am Fahima is absent coz she comes in my bus and today she wasn't there." I said.

"What about the others two? Oh yeah Sameera came. Well you had the guts to come after what all happened yesterday. Idiots." She spat looking at Sameera disgustingly.

Just then Juvana entered the class and it's better if I don't say how Juvana got welcomed by miss Khady. We all felt pity for her even though she and the others did something really wrong. Sameera and Juvana looked down in shame and avoided any eye contacts.

The second bell rang and yet another time table of a Sunday followed up until break.

During break period we came to know that Fahima, Juvana and Sameera had come for kg annual day which was the previous day and they bunked from school without their parents knowing and went to a mall to meet their boy friends who was from our school itself.

And the plan of bunking went well until Fahima's brothers called and said that they were in the school to pick her up. And now the announcing of Fahima's name several times through the Mic on the annual day made sense to me.

Just as the girls knew they were in trouble they at once hailed a cab and rushed to school. Sameera even said that they bribed the cab driver to drive fast so that they could reach school fast. But those people in the school were not fools. They and Fahima's brothers knew the girls had bunked.

Phew. This was too much to take. The four periods after break wasn't of much use as we were all still caught up with the hot news.

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