Chapter 4 - Supply Run

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The little girl still hadn't woken up and it had been several days now. She was still breathing though and had no signs of turning. So Daisy decided to look after her. 

They were running low on supplies as Joel only had enough for himself originally, and the girls didn't have time to grab all of the supplies from the house. Angy and Joel decided to head out in search of anything. 

"Let's split up. We might be able to cover more ground. I will check the house. You check the storm basement." She suggested. Joel nodded in agreement and with his bat and his flashlight headed into the basement. 

Angy searched the house for any zombies but couldn't find anything so she decided to check on Joel before she started picking the place clean. 

She opened the door of the basement and started walking in. She saw a light in the distance and saw what appeared to be a workshop covered in blood. She felt uneasy the further she went and decided to call out, "Joel, where are you?" A grunt responded but it wasn't Joel.

Angy gasped as a crazy old man wearing nothing but his underwear ran at her with a peice of glass. She moved out of the way but he turned around and charged again. This time She shot him in the leg, causing him to fall and scream in agony. 

She heard a moaning behind her and quickly ducked, causing a zombie to land on the crazy man. He couldn't get away because of the bullet wound in his leg so he screamed in agony as the zombie ate him alive. 

She looked around for Joel and saw him knocked out and tied up on a chair. Probably the old man's doing. While the zombie was distracted, Angy started working on the ropes. For a crazy dude, he could tie a damn good knot.

 The shifting of the ropes made Joel wake. His eyes widened as he tried to figure out what happened. Angy made a "be quiet" gesture as she pointed out the zombie across the room. Joel nodded and kept an eye on it as Angy cut the ropes with the man's glass. 

The zombie started to rise, however, and Joel cleared his throat at Angy. She whispered, "I'm moving as fast as I can." He cleared his throat again, this time wiggling to get her attention. It also got the zombie's attention who started to stumble towards him. Angy looked and saw the threat and used the glass shard to dispatch of the zombie. One stab to the brain took it down. But that glass wasn't gonna cut anymore. She started looking through the workshop and found a bonesaw covered in blood and what appeared to be hair. She started cutting the ropes again with more success this time.

She got his left hand free and started to work on his right. Joel started to undo his left leg as it was a bit looser too. He looked up as he saw movement from the skinny old man. He wasn't dead anymore. He started getting up and limping towards them. "Shit" He whispered. Angy looked up as the old man tackled her. He may be skinny but he is tough. 

Joel desperately tried to free himself and got his right leg free. That was all he needed. He kicked the skinny zombie off Angy. It stunned the zombie long enough for Angy to stop it's head in. She used the bonesaw to officially free Joel. 

They investigated the rest of the basement and found a dead zombie girl locked in a closet. Her body fell to the ground, pigtails bouncing for the last time. It looked like the old man had killed her and was keeping her as a memory. How creepy. 

Angy suddenly piped up, "Joel, you're going to want to see this."

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