9-You Again? (Edited)

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When I woke up the next morning the first person I thought of was Chris. I felt that stupid grin I seemed to be wearing all the time lately make its way back onto my face. It brought back memories of my high school Psychology class. Our teacher had announced that the day's topic would be love and its effect on the human psyche. The teacher had stuck with his lesson plan for 10 minutes tops before a debate on the matter erupted.

It was one of the few times when every person in class had actually had something to add. What teenager hadn't experienced love? The answer was none. Every person in that class had experienced it first hand be it platonic or physical. I could tell who the pessimists and optimists were based on their answers. The pessimists argued that it was nothing more than hormones meant to facilitate the biologic imperative. They were also the ones that were the most adamant about humans not being meant to be with one person their entire lives. With that said, the majority who believed that were boys.

The boys, however, were far outnumbered by their whimsical female counterparts who were unyielding in their views on love. I'll never forget my most favorite response. My friend had eloquently said love was when that special someone was the first thing you thought of upon waking and the last thing you thought of before you fell asleep.

If I still believed that to be true, and I did, it would stand to reason that I was more than halfway there. Chris was most certainly the last thing I thought of last night and the first thing on my mind in the morning. My thoughts had practically been consumed by him since we had met again almost three weeks ago.

As much as I wanted to sit there and hash out the feelings I had for him, I had no more time for self-reflection. Poetic Justice had a set scheduled for the afternoon crowd at Georgiana's. She hadn't been kidding when she said she wanted us to come back and perform again. True to her word, she had called the agency and requested us, and true to ours, we agreed. I wasn't about to be the reason we were late.

When the three of us walked in to Georgiana's, the lady herself was waiting for us. We exchanged greetings and gave her our set list, which caused her to raise a perfectly plucked brow. "Amnesia? I'm not familiar with this song. Who's it by?"

Crystal and I exchanged a look before I spoke up.

"I wrote the lyrics and Crys wrote the melody."

Georgiana gave us a small nod of approval. "This ought to be interesting."

We walked onto the stage much like we had during our impromptu performance, but somehow it felt completely different. Perhaps it was the knowledge that we would eventually perform an original song instead of a cover that was wreaking havoc on my nerves or maybe it the idea of performing to begin with. It was our first time performing with my brother and although I knew that we could overcome anything together, to say that I was nervous would have been the understatement of the hour.

We sat on the stools, with our keyboard, acoustic-electric guitar and our bass plugged in and took a syncronized deep breath. A few people looked up from their meals, while other continued on as if we hadn't walked onto the stage.

After the first few notes echoed through the bar, we had the attention of half the building. By the time we were halfway through the first song, we had the attention of the other half. In my opinion our performance was going smoothly, but before I knew it, it was time to sing our original song for the first time in public. I was so nervous; I thought I might faint, so I looked to my rock for strength.

As luck would have it, Crystal looked even more nervous than me. Unlike the other times we had performed together, I had been granted a contingency plan. We had one more person standing in our corner. Gabe gave us both what could only be interpreted as an encouraging smile while he strummed the opening notes on his bass.

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