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"WHAT?!" Mal and I said together.
"We are not going to some boarding school with prissy pink princesses." "And perfect princes." Evie said.She quickly added, "UGH." "And I don't do uniforms unless it's leather you hear me?" Jay held up to high five Carlos but he left him hanging. " I read some where that in Aroadon they allow dogs. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave." "Woof!" Jay called scaring him. "If you expect me to go to a school with rich spoiled brats, goodie-goodie to shoes, and people asking me left and right how I shift my hair to snakes WITHOUT turning someone to stone YOU'RE DEAD WRONG." "Yeah mom we're not going!" Mal said bravely. "Your thinking small pumpkin. It's all about world domination. Knuckleheads! Mal!" Maleficent called.
"You will go. You will find the fairy God mother and bring me back her magic wand." She said filing her nails. "Easy peasy." She blew on her nails. "What's in it for us?" Mal asked.
"Matching thrones. Hers and hers crowns." She said. "I think," I said, "she meant us."
"It's all about you and me baby. Tell me, do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"
" Yeah, I mean who doesn't-"
"WELL THEN GET ME THE WAND!" Maleficent snapped. "And with that wand-and my scepter, I will be able to bend BOTH good AND evil to my will!"
"Our will." Evil Queen reminded her.
" Our will, our will." She snapped her fingers. "And if you refuse, then your grounded for the rest of your will missy." "Wha- mom!" There eyes turned green and had a staring contest. Evie and I mocked it. Her eyes turned royal blue and mine turned lavender. We turned our attention back to the original staring contest. "Ugh, fine."
"I win."
"Evie!" Evil Queen called. We went to our Medusa. In other words our parents.
"Carlos isn't going cuz I'd miss him to much." Curella said.
"Jay isn't going either . I need him to stalk the shelves in my store." Jafar objected.
"Evie isn't going anywhere until we get this unibrow taken care of, hmm?"
Mom didn't object. I knew she wanted me to get the wand and and get revenge just as much as Maleficent did, if not more.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. PEOPLE USED TO COWER AT THE MENTOIN OF OUR NAMES! For 20 years I have searched for a way out of this island. For 20 years they have robbed us from our revenge! Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men."
"Ow." E.Q said.
"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Geni."
"I will-!" Jafar Threatened.
"Pops!" Jay warned.
"Revenge on all the sneaky Dalmatians that escaped your clutches!"
"Oh but they didn't get baby." She burst out laughing looking like a psycho. "They didn't get the-!" They didn't get the babbyy!!!"
"Revenge on all of the hero's who escaped your gaze!"
"What are you bringing me in this for?" Mom snapped, "I know what I did wrong. I didn't object. I know Madison will get the wand, and no one will get in her way! I know that we are going to get revenge!"
"And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all." Mom coughed at this. I knew she meant Gaea. "Ok fine second evilest of them all. Will get revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little Prince. VILLANS!" "Yes?" They all said. "Our day has come. E.Q, Give her the magic mirror."
"Yeah." She replied.
"This is your magic mirror?"
"Yeah, well it ain't what it used to be. Then again neither are we." E.Q. Maleficent, and mom shared a chuckle. "It will help you find things."
"Like a Prince?" Evie asked, her eyes full of hope. Dang she is so cute.
"Like my waistline."
"Like the wand hello!" My mom and Maleficent.
"Hello!" E. Q. agreed. "My spell book. I need my spell book. Oh! Ah the safe! The safe!" Everyone's parents call the fridge the 'safe'. "Queen help me! I can never figure this out." She said pounding on the fridge. E.Q. opened it and said "Viola"
"My spell-. Come darling come." It must have been really cold cause she almost
dropped it. "Ah, it doesn't work here but it will in Aroudon. Remember when we were spreading evil And ruining lives?"
"Like it was yesterday." Mom and E. Q said sadly.
"Now you'll be making your own memories. By doing exactly as I tell you." We heard the horn and got our bags. I got in, glad to get off this island. The boys lunged for the candy but I turned my hair into snakes and my eyes orchid. They grabbed a few and backed away. "You're looking a little flushed, let me help." Evie said putting blush on Mal. "Ew. Stop I'm plotting." "Well it's not very attractive." Eve looked at me with hopeful eyes and I couldn't resist. She's too dang adorable! I sighed and nodded. Eve is like a little sister to me. She got a blue rock candy while I read my book. Avada Kedevera. I thought directed to Umbridge. The others stared at me. "I said that aloud didn't I?" I asked Mal. She nodded as she pulled my cover to her view. "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix?" She said in a teasing tone. "...Maybe..." "Jeez is that thing a century old?" Eves asked. I shook my head. "Harry Potter. Isn't that a little kids book?" Jay asked. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my teeth. "Perfictus Toutalus." (Am I spelling that right?) He put his hands up in defense. Evie (lol it put Elvis for auto correct. It's funny if you picture Evie in Elvis getup) gasped and said "LOOK!" We were headed strait for the ocean! "ITS A TRAP!" Screeched Carlos. We all screamed and I clung to Mal and Evie for something called, oh I don't know, maybe LIFE. We didn't fall in the ocean. "AGHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh?!" Our screams died down in confusion. "Erm... what just happened?" I asked. "It must be magic."Eve reasoned. "Hey, did this little button just opened the magic barrier?"

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