Chapter 10

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Link's POV:
I couldn't help but have a worried look on my face. "Are you okay?" Angel asks holding my hand.

"Y-yeah." I say looking at her but at the corner of my eye I see Rhett. "So what's it like working with Rhett?" She asks me. "Cool I guess." The entire time she kept asking me questions about Rhett. Rhett this, Rhett that, I think she likes Rhett.

"Hey, I don't think we can see each other again." I tell her while she was saying something about Rhett. "What! Why not?" She asks me surprised taking her hands away from mine.

"You haven't said my name the entire time, and you seemed to be obsessed with Rhett. If you want to go talk to him there he is." And with that I leave the restaurant and Rhett gives me a confused look. I'm going back to the beach.

Rhett's POV:
I saw Link storm out of the restaurant and his date comes up to me. "What happened?" I ask her standing up forgetting the fact Jessie was there.

"He left because I was talking to much about you. But the way, I'm Angel." She says shaking my hand but holding it longer than it was supposed to be. You sure look like one. Wait what? I give myself a mental slap. I have a wife. 

Angel started to lean in and I completely forgot we were in a restraint. Then she kissed me. Worst thing is I kissed her back and held her waist.

I hear a chair move back and saw Jessie run out of the room. "Jessie!" I say before she could run out. She gives me a dirty look and runs away.

I look at Angela and try to find Jessie. I ran up to a woman but it wasn't her. Where in the world could she be?

Link's POV:
I hear someone running behind me and look and its Jessie. I run and catch her before she falls down and she breaks into tears.

"Oh my gosh Jessie what happened?" I ask her as we say on the floor and mascara was running down her face.

"R-Rhett cheat-cheated on m-me with the g-girl you took out on a date. She kissed him and he held her waist and kissed her back." Jessie said through tears hugging me and crying on my shoulder.

She looks up at me and I wipe her tears and makeup off her face with my jacket. "We'll get through this." I say to her and she looks up to me.

Before we both know what we were doing our lips met and her tongue slipped into my mouth. We held it for about a minute when we pulled away for some air.

I just realized what happened. "Jessie, I didn't mean for that to happen. I wasn't thinking." I say taking my hands off of her.

"No it's okay. The worst part is that I liked it. By the way you're a better kisser than Rhett." Jessie said and we both laughed at her little joke.

"I didn't really didn't tell if you were better than Christy." I say smiling. She kisses me again, but this time longer. "What do you think?" She asks me. "Way better." I say with a smile and she gives me a quick kiss.

"Shoot, can we just forget this ever happened?" I ask her with puppy dog eyes. "I don't know how I will but I'll just keep it a secret. What am I supposed to do with Rhett though?" She asked me getting serious. We were still on the floor, but we weren't near any cars.

"I don't know, what's your plan?" I ask her as we get up and find somewhere to sit.

"If I was to be honest I'm thinking about divorce." Jessie said looking down at the floor.

"You don't want that. It's only this one time but he still loves you." I say to Jessie trying to change her mind. "I've been thinking about this for a while though. That's my final choice, and don't try to change me with the kids." Jessie said grabbing out her phone.

She texts Rhett and turns to me. "Can I kiss you now?" She asks me.

"Jessie, I think I'm gay. I realized it after all of this drama." I say realizing right then. "Oh. Can I still have a kiss? You're a good kisser. It feels good." Jessie said putting her hand on my knee and it slowly travels up.

"Alright! You can get a session from me." I say leaning in and she kisses me.

After a while we break apart. "Happy now?" I ask her. She smiles and nods and we walk home.

We get home and Rhett has an angry look on his face with the kids behind him with a worried look. I run to the kids and Rhett and Jessie go upstairs.

I hear a bunch of screaming and I hear something break.

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