Chapter 30

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Rhett's POV:
I woke up stretching my arms out only to find out I was connected to a bunch of wires. Right then a nurse walked in.

"Good to see you up again Mr. McLaughlin." The nurse said with a smile on her face. "It's Rhett by the way, is someone named Link here?" I asked worrying about them.

"Hm, I don't recall any Link in this place." She said. "Well, how about Charles Lincoln Neal III?" I asked. "Ah, yes. He's in the room right next to you." She said. I gave a huge smile feeling relieved.

Then a doctor walked in. "Mr. McLaughlin, do you recall anything that happened? Did you see what type of chemical they injected into you?" He asked me bombing the questions. "I remember Christy and Jessie and Alex kidnapped me and Link, but I don't remember them injecting me with anything." I reply. "Is Li- I mean Charles awake yet?"

"No, it seems that you've recovered faster than he has. It's odd though, we've never seen this type of mixture of chemicals to make a person knock out. You don't seem to have amnesia, do you notice anything off about you?" The doctor asks.

"Well, I just need to see Link." I said. The doctor shrugged and they took me to him.

He lay there on the bed knocked out with a few bruises and cuts. They rolled me right next to him and I held his hand. I felt a little tug but he didn't wake up. I don't know how much longer I could take this. The day was supposed to be a special day.

"Could I get my pants, something was in there?" I ask the nurse. She runs back to my room and I grab the ring from the back pocket. Now all I have to do is wait for Link to wake up.

Sorry for short chapters. Finals are coming up for me! Stay mythical and BYMB!!!

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