Chapter 8

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There's a boy who lost his way in a sea of loneliness, depression and abuse
There's a girl who lost her way in a sea of fake smiles, scarred skin and smudged mascara

;they fit together like two pieces of a broken heart.


Hollys pov-

Someone once told me that your heart will break- it will shatter into so many pieces you'll wonder if it will ever be whole again. And it will. Someone will take those pieces and will put them back together again. It won't be perfect but it will be stronger. I think Jacob could be that person.

I look across from the sofa and see him watching the tv. The way his hair falls in the wrong place, his fidgeting and the way he laughs. The light in his eyes when he sees something that makes him happy. I see every detail of him. Then he turns and smiles at me. I smile back and then jump while the dinger for dinner went off. He laughs that I got scared and goes and sorts out the food.

After about 10 minutes, Jacob walks in with two plates of food. Steam was dancing over the plates as he past it to me. I looked down and saw spaghetti carbonara. Spaghetti with a creamy white sauce over it, small pieces of bacon and cheese sprinkled on top.
"wow it looks amazing!" I say to him. I then take a big breath and breathe it in, everything hits me at once. I grab my fork and shove a big helping into my small mouth. Explosions of it burst in my mouth. I moan a little as it tastes so good. The cheese, garlic, pasta. Everything comes together and tastes amazing. Jacob laughs at my happiness over the food. I smile at him with a full mouth and try to tell him that it's the best meal I've ever eaten.

After I finished the meal, I grabbed Jacob's plate too and did the washing up. I filled the sink up with tons of bubbles just for fun. As I wash the plates and mess around with the bubbles, Jacob silently comes behind me and scares the shit out of me.
"JACOB OMG!!!!" i scream. Then I grab a handful of bubbles and pour them over his face.
"oh, its on.!" he says with a smirk as he brushes his wet hair out the way.

In the next minute, me and him are running round his kitchen chucking bubbles and water at each other laughing our heads off.. For the first time in a long time, I finally feel happy...


After our little water fight, I had a shower and got changed into new, warm comfy clothes. After I got dressed, I went down stairs to watch some TV while Jacob got changed.

I was half asleep when Jacob came back downstairs, he came over to me and looks at me, I sit up so he can sit next to me. But he doesn't, he smirks.
"Holly, lets go out" he says randomly as he grabs my hand. I stare at him in surprise and grab my coat. We run out of the door and into the night.

And it was the best night of my life.


Jacobs pov-

We ran out of the door and got a taxi. The sun would set soon so I had to hurry. I whispered to the man where to take us. We drove for about an hour or so. Holly looked out the window staring at the view. The lights of the town, then the landscape, the trees, the sky. Everything she looked at, it turned even more beautiful. She had that power. She made everything beautiful. We got out the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Well, we were near the place i wanted to go. I payed the taxi driver and said thank you, waved him off and took Holly's arm. She kept asking where we were going and what we were doing but i kept silent. I lead her into a forest and then up a hill. It was around 40 minutes until we got there. Perfect timing as well. As we got to the top, the trees cleared and there was just grass and a couple rocks around. We were quite high but it didn't matter. I then suddenly heard Holly gasp.

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