Lunch Time

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Silver's POV

Ahhh, Social studies. The most boring class ever made. *Blaze walks in* Maybe this class isn't boring after all.

Blaze's POV

I walked into the classroom and sat next to Silver. Wait, why is his staring at me? "Silver?" I said. "Yeah Blaze?" He responded. "Why are you staring at me?" I said. He quickly turned around and said, "I-I was looking at t-the clock.........." Only when I turned around there was no clock behind me. "Silver there's no-" I was cut of by the bell ringing. Why would Silver make up a lie like that. He was staring at me but why? Why would he keep it a secret form me? Maybe he has a crush on me!?!?!? Nah, I like Silver but he wouldn't like me back. We've been friends for a long time now but I've never seen him any feelings for me.

The bell rang and I was about to leave the classroom but someone grabed my arm. It was Silver. "Hey, what's up Silver?" I asked him. "I was just wondering what period you had lunch?" He asked me. "I have it fourth period" I told him. "Oh really!? I have it then too, I'll see you then" He said and he walked away. Why did he get so excited when he found out that we have the same lunch? Its probably just a friend thing.

Manic's POV

Ugh, Math is so boring! Then I saw a girl walk into the classroom. "Who is she?" I whispered to Shade. "I don't know, maybe a new girl" Shade replied. "Alright class we have a new student and her name is Hero" the teacher said. Hero huh? She came and sat down right in front of me. I poked her in the back and she turned around. "Huh?" She said. I stuck out my hand and said, "Hello Hero, I'm manic." She just stared at me as I held out my hand. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She quickly shook my hand and turned around. "Ni-ce to me-et you man-ic" She said. She must be nervous or shy. But she did look kinda dazed staring at me. Maybe she likes me? Well she does look kinda cute. Just then I herd her giggle. What was she giggling about? Did I say that out loud? I don't think so, no one else herd me. The only person I know in this room that can read minds is Shade. He didn't tell her did he? Hopefully not.

Tails POV

Chemistry is one of my favorite classes! Speaking of chemistry, I wonder who my partner will be, hopefully its someone I know. "Alright class its time to announce your chemistry partners" The teacher said. Yes!!!! Here it is!!
"First up, Tails. Your chemistry partner is..........Cream!" The teacher said. Well, at least I know her........"Yay isn't this great Tails!?" Cream said to me. "Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun" I said back. I like Cream as a friend well, maybe more than a friend but she is not that good at chemistry. But we tend to work good together so I don't know how this is going to turn out.

The bell rang and I asked Cream, "Hey Cream what do you have next?" "I have lunch next" She told me. "Oh really, I have it too!" I told her. "Do you want to walk together to the cafeteria?" She asked me. "Sure!" I responded

Sonic's POV

Mmmmn, I just love chilly dogs for lunch! Just then Amy walked up to me. "Hey Sonic! Can I sit here?" She asked me. "Sure thing Amy!" I told her. She sat down very close to me. I think I blushed a little. Then Shade walked up to us. "Yo, what up sonic?" Shade said. "Nothing much" I replied. And he sat down across from me and Amy. "So Amy, how's things?" Shade asked Amy. "Pretty good. How's things with Shadow?" Why would she ask about Shadow? She doesn't like him does she? I swear if that faker steals my girl...... "Well he's a little pain in the-" He was cut off by A voice behind me. "You guys talking about me again?" I turned around. It was Shadow. "We might have been" Amy said. "Whatever, I don't really care....." Shadow said as he sat down and put his head into his arms. "What's up with him?" Amy asked. "He's still sad after what happened with him and Rouge" Shade said. Just then Rouge walked up to our table and looked at Shadow. Shadow lifted his head up and saw Rouge. "Mfph" Rouge said as she walked away. Shadow then slammed his head back down to the table and let out a small groan. "Poor Shadow....." Amy said as she started petting his quills. Oh no she does like him! I think Shade was reading my mind because he put his hand on Amy's and she stopped petting Shadow. Amy and Shade just stared at Each other for a bit. Then they stopped and Amy hugged me. I mouthed to Shade, I hate you. He just shrugged and started eating. "Umm, excuse me? Can I sit with you guys?" A female hegehog said to us. Suddenly Shadow's ear's perked up and he looked up.
"Oh hi Shadow!" She said to Shadow. "Hey Naomi, of course you can sit with us!" Shadow responded. "Okay, thanks!" She said as she sat down next to Shadow. "Hey guys!" Tails and Cream said as they sat down. "Hey Tails and Cream!" I said to them. "Only three spots left" Amy said. "One spot" Silver and Blaze said as they sat down. "Hey, what up Silver and Blaze?" Shade said. "Nothing much" they both said. Then I noticed a girl standing by the entrance for the cafeteria. "Who's that?" I said as I pointed towards her. "I don't know" Silver said. "She kinda looks confused" Tail's said. "I'm gonna go help her" Shade said as he got up and walked towards her.

Shade's POV

"Do you need any help?" I asked her "Nah, I'm good." She replied. "Well do you want to come sit with us?" I asked her. "Sure!" She replied as we walked back to the table. "I'm Shade, by the way" I said. "Nice to meet you Shade, I'm Twilight!" She said "Nice to meet you too" I said. We finally reached the table. "Everyone, meet Twilight!" I said. "Hello!" She said as we sat down. "What do you guys have next period?" I asked. "Phys Ed." Everyone said. "Nice, we all have Gym together!" I said as we all continued to eat our lunch.

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