The Crash

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Shade's POV,

I started to walk to my car until Manic called my name. "Hey Shade, do you want to go skateboarding with Sonic, Silver, and I?" Manic said. "Sure!" I replied. I walked to my car and opened my trunk. I took out my skateboard and closed the trunk. I saw Shadow was walking towards my car. "You wanna come us?" I asked him. "Nah, I'm good." He replied. "Well, here's my keys, don't crash my car" I told him. "I wont" He said as he took the keys out of my hand. I headed towards Sonic, Manic, and Silver. I took out my phone and earbuds. I started to play Pop Style by Drake (Do not look up you are not into vulgar language).

Shadow's POV,

I started to drive home. Halfway there I saw someone on the sidewalk. It was Naomi. I pulled over next to her. "Hey Naomi!" I said. "Hey Shadow, cool car! Is it yours?" "Y-yeah!" I replied. Well that's going to come back and bite me in the butt. "Do you need a ride?" I asked her. "Sure, thanks for asking!" Naomi said. She opened the door, sat down, and closed the door. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and think blushed a little. "So, where do you live?" I asked. "Just around the bend and down the road" she replied. I started to go around the bend and I realized something. That car is driving really fast towards us, on the wrong side of the road. I quickly got out of my seat, grabbed Naomi, and dove out of the car. We got out right as the two cars collided. I made sure the Naomi never touched the ground because I didn't want her to hurt. Yet I took the fall and it felt like my fur was being ripped off. Little did I know, it actually was. We landed in the soft but hard grass. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She said nothing and just gripped me tighter. We laid there for awhile until Naomi loosened her grip.  We both sat up and looked at each other. There was tears in her eyes, and deep into those eyes I saw something. Something that I have never felt for a while. That something was fear.  Shade's car was completely totaled in a ditch.  As for the other car, there was no sign of it. Naomi stood up and started walking down the road. I stood up and followed her. I got to about 10 feet and fell down. Naomi turned around and rushed to me. I was fading. All I remember is Naomi's blue eyes looking at me. 

Amy's POV (With Hero, Blaze, and Twilight) , 

So first day of school went okay. Met some new friends, and no embarrassments today. "Who's that?" Twilight asked as she pointed. She was pointing at four figures on skateboards. I couldn't make out who the figures where, but I knew who they were when one of them grinded a rail and landed right next to us. "Not impressive........" I said. "I bet you couldn't do that" Shade replied as Sonic, Silver, and Manic walked up next to him. "I bet I could!" "No way!" "Yes way!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!"  "WOULD BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!" Someone screamed. Everyone's eyes were focused on Hero. "You guys are giving me a headache" Hero said. "You know what, Hero's right. We should stop arguing" Shade said. Shade opened his arms for a hug and said, "Friends?" I thought twice of hugging him but I did it anyway. I thought about what it would be like to hug Sonic. Shade chuckled, and I'm assuming he read my mind. I hate when he does that! Sonic coughed and we broke the hug.

Sonic's POV,

I'm getting really confused on who Amy likes. First she pets Shadow, now she's hugging Shade. I need to talk to her. "Hey Ames?" I said.  "Yeah, whats up?" She said. "Can I talk to you in private?" "Sure!" She said, blushing a little bit. "Well I just wanted-" "Oh you must feel left out without a hug!" Amy said cutting me off and then hugged me. I blushed a little. She broke the hug and said, "Nice talk!" and then skipped back to the group. What the heck just happened? I started making my way back to the group. 

Hero's POV, 

I feel like that I could be really good friends with these guys, especially Manic. He does think I'm cute and might like me. "Do you want me to find out?" Shade said to me. "Umm, find out what?" I said nervously. "Never mind then!" Shade said and winked. Great, My secrets are not safe with Shade around. Come to think of it, no one else's secrets are safe when I'm around. "Oh no....." Shade said. "What?" Blaze said. "I just got a text, Shadow's hurt" Shade replied. "Where is he?" Manic said. "Just come with me" Shade said.

Shadow's POV, 

Where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is I was in a car crash with Naomi, ..........Naomi!!! I tried to sit up but it hurt to do it and I screamed in pain. Just then Naomi came rushing in. "Shadow are you okay?" She asked me. "Not really. Where am I?" I asked. "You're at my house. My mom just made lasagna, would you like some?" Naomi asked me. "Sure....." I replied. She left and came back with a plate of lasagna. She gave it to me and sat in a chair next to me. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" she said. She looked at me concern. "I texted your brother, he should be here any-" She was cut off by the knocking of the door. She opened it and in came Shade, Twilight, Manic, Silver, Sonic, Hero, Blaze, and Amy. "Where's Shadow?" Shade said. "He's over there on the couch" Naomi replied. Shade walked towards me and looked at me. He shook his head and walked out. "Okay then....." Blaze said. "I have lasagna if you guys are hungry" Naomi said. They all nodded.

Hero's POV, 

I grabbed a plate of lasagna and went outside to watch the stars. I saw Shade sitting in the grass and deciding to sit next to him. "Watching the stars?" I asked him. "Just want to clear my mind" He replied. "You want some lasagna?" "Not hungry." We sat there in silence for awhile. We both lied back at the same time. Shade chuckled. "We have a lot in common me and you" He said. "Yeah. For one we can both read minds" "You can read minds too?" "Yep!" I replied. We sat in silence once again until Shade asked me a question. "You like Manic?" "Ummm..." I said nervously while blushing. "You can go and say it, I wont tell him" "Ugh, fine, I do......" I said unwillingly. "That's cool" "Do you think he likes me back?" I asked him. "Probably, I mean, he called you cute, and he's a nice guy. You wouldn't go wrong with him." Shade told me. "Sooo...... Who do you like?" "How about this, the next time I see her, i'll whistle." Just then Manic and Twilight came outside. Shade whistled. I started to giggle. Manic sat next to me and Twilight sat next to Shade. They were both blushing and then Shade put his arm around Twilight and she put her head on his shoulder. I looked at Manic. He was blushing a little and twittering his thumbs. I leaned over and hugged him, which made me and him blush madly. He hugged me back, and all four of us just gazed up into the stars.         


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