Chapter 18-Intriguing News

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Chapter 18-Intriguing News

Layla shut her room door gently after letting Roxbury know that she was going to change before going to their meeting. If she was an airhead, she might have leaned against the closed door, closed her eyes, and whispered “Yes!” to herself, instead she settled for the cheesy smile she couldn’t get rid of. She finally had him near again and it wasn’t awkward at all despite her many thoughts. As she got her clothes together she decided that it would be best to shower and get rid of the results of her work day, she didn’t want to smell like a coffee pot.

Layla stacked a bra and a thong on top of her dark-colored jeans and slightly dressy black top. She carried the items in her arms as she opened her room door to reveal her visitor. She took a quick glance at him as he eyed his surroundings in her living room. He was quite suave even after being revealed to have followed her. Any other woman may not have welcomed him in the same manner she did by letting him in with no questions asked, but Layla wasn’t any other woman…what she wanted was to be his woman if one were to get down to the nitty gritty of the situation. He was her breath of fresh air in the midst of the suffocation from boredom and desperation.

She cleared her throat to catch his attention. “Um I thought I might catch a quick shower before we go?” She was half telling and half asking, awaiting his nod of approval before moving ahead in her plan.

All he did was smile after telling her “That’s fine.”

“I’ll just be a minute, promise. Make yourself at home.” She said before disappearing into the bathroom.

Layla tugged off her favorite shirt and realized that she had been prancing around in front of him with just this oversized piece of clothing on. He didn’t seem to mind though from what she gathered. She turned the water of the shower on just in time to miss the sound of her roommate coming home.

Natasha turned the knob of the door that seemed to be unlocked; she planned on scolding Layla about that once she got inside. But as she came inside, she forgot all about it as she laid eyes on the man sitting on her couch.

She looked at Roxbury in surprise; he swiftly offered an explanation to avoid a misunderstanding. He stood and offered his hand to the young woman that appeared to be Layla’s roommate.

“Hello, I’m Roxbury…a friend of Layla’s.”

Natasha knew who he was instantly, she shook his outreached hand politely then sat on the couch a comfortable distance beside him.

“I know exactly who you are! You’ve caused a mess for my poor Layla.” She laughed jokingly.

Roxbury was unsure on how to reply. “A mess?”

Natasha grabbed her purse and started rummaging through it as she carried on the conversation.

“You know…matters of the heart and all.” She hinted.

Roxbury just looked at her blankly, what was this girl going on about? He thought to himself. Talking to her had almost distracted him from the skimpy outfit she wore. It wasn’t hard to guess what her nature of work was, even though the girl carried herself in a slightly more intellectual way than most escorts.

“Nevermind.” She added, seeing that he wasn’t catching on to what she was saying.

She stood up with the cigarette she pulled from her purse; she grabbed the lighter from the counter, and headed to the window in the kitchen.

Roxbury’s curiosity had been triggered, anything that had to do with his new acquaintance interested him since he didn’t know much about her. He joined Layla’s roommate in the kitchen as she smoked. Natasha leaned her head out of the window  as she blew out the inhaled tobacco, she knew how Layla hated when she smoked inside but she was too lazy to walk out of the building.

“I want to know what you meant.” Roxbury told her. He leaned against the counter as he waited for her to reply.

They both heard the water of the shower turn off, signaling that there wasn’t much time for her to say what she had meant a minute ago. Natasha leaned in, and told him what he needed to hear.

“In the time I’ve known Layla, she never has gotten so worked up over someone until she met you…and I don’t think it has anything to do with taking her photo.” She added. If he didn’t get the point after that, then he never would. It couldn’t be any clearer; obviously Layla was interested in him.

He looked at her puzzled but she nodded at him to reassure what she had just told him. Natasha put out the cigarette and dropped it in the ashtray just outside the window. She blew out her last breath of smoke before closing the open window.

“Trust me.” She said to Roxbury right as Layla emerged from the bathroom.

“Hey Natasha, I guess you’ve met my friend Roxbury then?” She asked nervously as she stood there in fresh clothes and damp hair. She hoped that her roommate hadn’t said anything to damage her standing with Roxbury.

Natasha smiled at Layla mischievously and nodded.

 “Nice meeting you, take care of my best friend.” Natasha addressed Roxbury once more before taking off to her room. What she really meant was to take care of Layla’s heart.

“Will do.” He called after her.

Finally, he was left with Layla and it was time to head out so they wouldn’t keep his employer waiting. Layla was on a high from the news she had gotten and for the fact that Roxbury delivered the news in person. While she was busy with the aspect of possibly being successful as a model, Roxbury was busy with the aspect that this young lady was interested in business…and pleasure.

What would he do with this new information? Investigate of course…

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