chapter 2

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Harry's pov

"I'm your daughter" she said

Wait I have a daughter it can't be, I need to know more, I didn't believe her at first I thought she was a fan

"I have a picture of my mum" she said and withdrew the picture from her bag

I stared at the photo and then looked at her and then looked at the photo again and then became shocked she was my daughter

"Your my daughter, what's your name sweetie" I say

"Danielle, but people call me Dani. Mum would of wanted me to find you" she says

"Where is your mum" I say

"She died" she says with tears in her eyes

"Oh sweetie come here" I said and take her in my arms

"I have someone I'm living with" she says

"Who?" I say

"Mel" she says

"I remember Mel, I'll take you there cause I want you to move in with me" I say

I said I'll tell Louis later what happened and he said okay and we went to Mel's, when I arrived she gave me a massive hug and we went and packed her stuff up. She said goodbye to Dani and I put her in the car

"Take good care of her Harry, Lily would have been happy she found you" she says and goes inside and when we get home I take her to our spare room

We will paint it and make it a proper girls room later on but I let her settle in for now, now though I need to phone mum and tell Louis

I'm Harry Styles' DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now